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15 votes

What is the dented wheel with holes inside the Polaroid Land Camera Model 150

That particular ring, by itself, is the aperture stop. The normal operating mode of the Land Camera (150, at least) was a coordinated exposure system that coupled particular shutter speeds and ...
scottbb's user avatar
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9 votes

How to get files off a 23 year old Polaroid PDC-3000

Looks like someone did actually care for this piece of software. The driver for your camera can be found here: It allows to convert the PDN ...
AssassinXcrosS's user avatar
8 votes

Why image does not fill all area in Polaroid film backs

The Mamiya 645 is incapable of producing images bigger than 645 format allows (nominally 6x4.5 cm, actually 56 × 41.5 mm). This is the size of the little opening in your Mamiya Polaroid back. A ...
Jindra Lacko's user avatar
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6 votes

Film Camera White Balance in Studio

The strobes you are using have the following temps (sourced from B&H Product Specs): Profoto B1: 5600K Profoto D2: 5600K B&H says that the B1 color temp can vary +/- 150K over the entire ...
OnBreak.'s user avatar
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6 votes

How can I change film packs on a Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 without wasting film?

The Instax is a camera which uses light-sensitive film to capture photos. The film packs include a cover that prevents light from reaching the film inside while it is being transferred from the ...
Blrfl's user avatar
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5 votes

What film camera/Polaroid camera is best for a more orange yellow look?

With any type of color photography, the most important thing that will influence the color "look" of your images is the type of light that is illuminating your subject or scene. If you want photos to ...
Michael C's user avatar
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Why image does not fill all area in Polaroid film backs

What should I have to give me an image that is larger while still using this Mamiya 645? You can't do it with your Mamiya 645. The 645 name comes from the untrimmed size of the film format: 6 x 4.5 ...
Michael C's user avatar
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5 votes

Film Camera White Balance in Studio

Photo films, unlike digital sensors, do not self-adjust when encountering different lighting situations. Photo films are made to be exposed under specific lighting situations. In the heyday of color ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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4 votes

Where do I insert the batteries in my Polaroid camera?

If you're talking about a Polaroid camera that takes packs of self-developing film, the battery is part of the pack itself. If yours isn't working, the solution is to move the film itself into a ...
dgatwood's user avatar
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Is there any way to revive expired polaroid film?

The reagent that starts the development process is stored in the wide border at the bottom of the print and spread onto the exposed area by a pair of rollers in the camera as the print is pushed out. ...
Blrfl's user avatar
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Is a flash bar needed when working with a Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera?

If you're shooting in daylight I don't think you'd need a flash bar assuming the film pack is still good. The developer 'pods' may be dried out by now and I would also be concerned about the embedded ...
BobT's user avatar
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Why image does not fill all area in Polaroid film backs

The Polaroid film back puts the Polaroid onto the existing film plane, which has a projected image size designed for 120 film. There's no changing that (that I'm aware of)
OnBreak.'s user avatar
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Is the Flash Sync speed of the Polaroid 195 camera really only ¹⁄₃₀th of a second?

Your question seems to be based upon an assumption that your camera has a focal plane shutter. The Polaroid 195 does not have a focal plane shutter. It has a leaf shutter in the lens. The ...
Michael C's user avatar
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Instax Film Developing Red

Were these posts false Yes. Yes they are. The iconic darkroom safelight is usually red or reddish in color. The reason for this is that the black and white photo paper that one is using to print ...
OnBreak.'s user avatar
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4 votes

What is causing this white area which is ruining all Fujifilm Instax Mini instant photos?

Appears to me that the rollers that crush the developer pod and distribute the developer as the film is being ejected are either misaligned or the film pack isn't seated properly. Pull the pack and ...
BobT's user avatar
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What is the "clarification" step when processing Polaroid film?

I presume they're referring to the (obsolete) Positive/Negative black and white Polaroids, Type 55 (and one of the 3x4 pack films). We'd normally speak of "clearing" the negative from these films ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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3 votes

Why orange color casting started to appear in my Polaroid B&W film several months after developing?

That may be one of the effects of humidity affecting the dyes in the print. These, like original B&W SX70/600 film, are dye prints, rather than direct silver image, but the silver and undeveloped ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How to get files off a 23 year old Polaroid PDC-3000

If anyone else came across this searching like I did: The PDC-3000 camera does not behave with the easy to find and very available PDC-2000 direct or Twain drivers for the PDC-2000 model (that I know ...
Kyle Gagnon's user avatar
3 votes

Why are polaroids not square?

I agree with osullic's sentiment, "why should they be square?" Here are a few observations that may help you feel better about their not being perfectly square: There are no perfect squares....
xiota's user avatar
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Brighter irregular edge of a Polaroid photo

Since I posted this question, I've been trying a few things. It seems that the problem is solved for now. These are my observations about this issue and possible ways to prevent it: I keep camera's ...
pdaawr's user avatar
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How to correct colour from flash (shooting instant colour photograms)

To neutralize colors, add the complementary color. Cyan – Red Magenta – Green Yellow – Blue So for a greenish photo, you can try a magenta gel over the flash or color-correction filter over the lens....
xiota's user avatar
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3 votes

What causes photos from modern instant films cameras to look unique?

What causes the pictures produced by any chemical process to look unique? The specific chemistry involved. Different chemical processes are more or less responsive to various wavelengths of light. One ...
Michael C's user avatar
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2 votes

What archival properties does Fuji Instax have and how to prolong?

I can't find anything on long-term archival properties of Instax film, either, but this phoblographer article on current instant film and cameras mentions that the B&W Instax will turn sepia (but ...
inkista's user avatar
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Why is the color mask of this 135 film dark blue-green?

Although Polaroid did produce (or remarket) a lot of 135 film (35mm) that used the C-41 process, at first glance this film does not look like an example of such. The edge codes on Polaroid C-41 135 ...
Michael C's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I fix the autofocus on a Polaroid Sun 660?

You can find a teardown of a similar model at iFxit. Sadly the content is too vast to copy it over, so you will have to cope with an external link - however, the model shown here does not include the ...
Kai Mattern's user avatar
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2 votes

What film camera/Polaroid camera is best for a more orange yellow look?

It will depend on a lot of factors, and the less important, and someone said before, is the camera. But the most important factor should be to know what do you exactly want. Want that stupid look ...
Adán Mendoza's user avatar
2 votes

How do Polaroid cameras determine the shutter speed and how can I manipulate this?

To properly answer your question, I think a course in light metering and exposure would be necessary, but this is beyond the scope of this forum. I will try to keep it short. Your question is by no ...
timvrhn's user avatar
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Expose a film to a screen

You could use film but I think you will have better luck with photographic paper. Procure some at a local camera shop or on line. You will need a red safe light bulb and two plastic trays. Procure ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get files off a 23 year old Polaroid PDC-3000

Unless you find a meticulous old-software archivist who also cared/cares about early digital cameras, you're probably out of luck. From a 10-year-old comment to a photo of a PDC-3000 at Flickr: ...
scottbb's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the "clarification" step when processing Polaroid film?

Type 55 P/N Polaroid film (positive / negative) emerges as a positive print and a negative film sandwiched together. These images are comprised of metallic silver imbedded in gelatin. The materials ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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