I've begun putting together a cookbook of family recipes that I want to pass down to my daughter. To spice things up a bit, I'll be taking shots on Fuji's Instax Wide of my wife and I and her when we make a recipe.
I can't seem to find any data on the archival properties of this film. Does anyone know how long it is expected to hold the image and if there is anything you can do to prolong the image's life?
I have been shooting with the color version of the film, but see online that they also offer a monochrome. Is there reason to believe that it would last better than it's color counterpart?
Please note, I'm quite fond of the instax for this purpose and am, right now, not looking at alternatives but in trying to ascertain how long an image might last and how it would deteriorate. Expected environment for it is in a book that will be stored on a shelf but taken into the kitchen environment often. Unsleeved photos.