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25 votes

Do defunct films formats really mean the pictures can never be seen?

It is highly unlikely for a format to be lost in a way you describe. All the standard processes were thoroughly documented, and good documentation will keep for longer than unprocessed film. But home ...
Jindra Lacko's user avatar
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24 votes

What were long, flat point and shoot film cameras called?

That's an old point and shoot camera that took 110-format film. For that reason, they're usually called 110 cameras. You can even see that term, "110 CAMERA," on the label on the camera in your photo.
Caleb's user avatar
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23 votes

What were long, flat point and shoot film cameras called?

What were long, flat point and shoot film cameras called? You don't want to know what I called the cheap 110 Instamatic I was forced to use when I was young and couldn't afford anything better! The ...
Michael C's user avatar
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21 votes

What texture is used in this photo?

That's a 'halftone pattern'. Halftones are a method of creating color separations for offset printing printing presses. This image was probably scanned from an offset printed piece. Offset printing ...
LightBender's user avatar
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21 votes

Could someone help me identify what this piece of film might be used for

There's one most likely choice for the origin and application of this transparency, and a second somewhat less likely one. The likeliest (because of the tape on the edges) is that this was a ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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19 votes

Do defunct films formats really mean the pictures can never be seen?

It is indeed true, that unknown masterpieces can be lost because they are only kept on an undeveloped roll of film, but not likely because it is impossible to develop the film. Exposures on ...
jarnbjo's user avatar
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15 votes

What do these curved, color-coded lines mean on a vintage Nikkor lens?

The aperture ring is engraved with f-numbers duplicated; the duplicates are color coded the same. The lines you are asking about are also paired, same color. The idea is to graphically display the ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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12 votes

What to check when buying used and old film bodies?

I'm not too sure about your mount questions, but I do collect working vintage gear. Here's what I do and look for... If applicable, bring a battery - There's really no excuse not to bring a fresh ...
OnBreak.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Is it possible this is sunlight?

Yes, it's coming in through the top of the partially opened door to the left.
BobT's user avatar
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9 votes

Why did typical number of iris blades decrease from the 1950s to the 1970s and 80s?

The standard type of iris diaphragms used in early lens designs featured numerous overlapping leaves. Each leave crescent shaped. The leaf is pivoted at one so that it can rotate about a fixed point. ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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9 votes

Do defunct films formats really mean the pictures can never be seen?

But would it be possible, in principle, for a film format to be so thoroughly lost to history that you couldn't get any image out of the negatives whatsoever? In principle, once the process is still ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
8 votes

Help in identifying type film used that produced old black white negatives

"Kodak Safety Film" is a term that Kodak applied to all of their acetate based films for a period of time. The word "Safety" meant that the film was less prone to spontaneous ...
Alaska Man's user avatar
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7 votes

Are the highlights in this photo a byproduct of the vintage lens or were water particles introduced during shooting?

making this photo was not as complicated as you write here. Sprayer, reflector plate, backlight in the morning, f 2. Drops of water flew before the flower, but above all behind the flower. That is all....
Hana Balašová's user avatar
7 votes

What is this camera / Can I develop the film?

This is a 8mm movie camera made in Japan about 1956. That was about the date that home movies peaked. Like all 8mm cameras of that period, this camera was loaded with “double 8” film. This is actually ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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7 votes

What lens mount does my Fujinon135 f/3.5 lens have?

X-Fujinon says it all - that's Fujica X-mount, the one Fuji used on their SLR cameras from the early 1980s, before current mirrorless X-mount. Fujica X-mount has focal flange depth of 43.5mm, so ...
elkarrde's user avatar
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7 votes

How to identify the original manufacturer of lenses branded Vivitar?

During the 1970s and early 1990s, Vivitar serial numbers took the following form: MM Y WW SSS     MM = manufacturer code     Y = year; may be ambiguous, for instance 1979 and 1989     WW = week     ...
xiota's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I use a restored 55-year-old fixed-lens film camera without working aperture blades?

Neither of your stated options is a good one. Given the stated condition of the aperture blades, the best option would be to replace them with good ones from a (non-functioning for some other reason) ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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5 votes

Do defunct films formats really mean the pictures can never be seen?

Over the years, many film developing processes have come and gone. Under normal circumstances it would be impractical, but not impossible resuscitate these vintage processes. Using the same logic, ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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5 votes

I keep getting out of focus shots on manual focus - Why?

I think everyone is struggling with the example itself, but let me suggest an answer to the underlying question: How can the lens be badly out of focus when the green dot indicates it is in focus ...
Linwood's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the purpose of various lens markings on Vivitar 135mm f/2.5 lens with TX mount?

Why are the f-stops mirrored under the focus ring? It's a scale that shows you approximate depth of field at the selected aperture. So if you select f/16, you can look at distances on the focus ring ...
Caleb's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this Hermagis lens?

The imprint is probably 'HERMAGIS OPTn Bte S.G.D.G PARIS OBJECTIF CINEMA' Hermagis OPTn (Opticien) was an optical manufacturer located in Paris during the second half of the 19th century or so. '...
jarnbjo's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I mount a non-AI lens on a Nikon F4?

I figured it out! Yes, the meter coupling tab is the tab on the ring on the camera that spins together with the aperture ring on the lens. In order to lift it, you first need to press inward the ...
Aram Hăvărneanu's user avatar
5 votes

What do these curved, color-coded lines mean on a vintage Nikkor lens?

The unpaired red line is the infrared focal point, if you're using infrared film.
awerhwerh's user avatar
5 votes

Could someone help me identify what this piece of film might be used for

Note that positive transparent images ("slides") were the standard for stock images in publishing, before the industry went digital. I recall a book (concerning how to sell photos for stock ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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4 votes

What post processing was used for this rosy, vintage, and soft photo?

3 things stand out to me in this picture: The color tint is pushed towards magenta. To imitate this, I would simply use your photo editing app's white balance tool and move the green/magenta slider ...
user1118321's user avatar
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4 votes

Can alignment of the bed rails of a Speed Graphic be repaired?

The white plastic pieces don't look like they belong. When comparing your photos to my Crown Graphic, the bed and rails appear the same but I definitely don't have anything that looks like the white ...
user7264855's user avatar
4 votes

Live view of moon underexposed Canon 7D with vintage zoom lens

If you've got Live View set to "exposure simulation" but the camera is unable to communicate with the lens you'll have issues. That is because "exposure simulation" needs to know 1) at what aperture ...
Michael C's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the purpose of various lens markings on Vivitar 135mm f/2.5 lens with TX mount?

I can only answer a small subset of the questions you asked and speculate about some others, but perhaps these would be enough to give you an orientation to this lens and its basic operation. There ...
Wesley R. Elsberry's user avatar
4 votes

Why did typical number of iris blades decrease from the 1950s to the 1970s and 80s?

The only way to know for sure would be to ask those who made such decisions for the manufacturers at the time. But we can make a few observations and educated guesses. As another answer waxes forth ...
Michael C's user avatar
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4 votes

Anyone with a Ricoh YF-20 please?

You can download the YF-20 Owner's Manual.
Michael C's user avatar
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