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8 votes

Possible origin of red cast in old slides?

Kodachrome slide film of that era was initially only processed by Kodak. You purchased the film, and included in the price was a mailing bag. You filled in the address which was Rochester NY or one of ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
  • 39.7k
5 votes

Does a slide made from color reversal film take damage when used for several hours in a slide projector?

If possible: move to digital My first thought is to move to digital: make digital scans or photos of your slides and use a digital projector and a laptop. One of the risks of a projector running 24x7 ...
agtoever's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there any handheld slide viewers that work with a carousel?

I don't think I've ever seen anything handheld that would work with a carousel; the whole affair would be kind of unwieldy. Kodak used to make a couple of Ektagraphic models, the 270 and 570, that do ...
Blrfl's user avatar
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What aspect ratio are slides intended to be?

Standard 35mm full frame size was 24 x 36, which gives you the normal 3:2 format. If the 5:4 ish ones are a larger area than the normal 36x24mm slides, they may be transparencies from 127 film, which ...
JerryTheC's user avatar
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How to Destroy Slides

The safest, simplest, and cheapest way of destroying the images is to drop the slide film into boiling water. The gelatine-bearing image layers will quickly melt, slide off the film base into a black ...
Stan's user avatar
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What is this white film on slides from late 1950s?

The emulsion side of Kodachrome was coated with a clear protective lacquer. Perhaps it has oxidized. Additionally, this coat may attract dust and such as it can gain an electrostatic charge. Lacquer ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
  • 39.7k
3 votes

Focussing 100mm Auto Bellows Minolta lens on Bellows I with slide duplicator

Can any give me a good explanation of how this is supposed to work, or if it can work at all with a 100mm lens? If you're set on using a 100mm lens, you will need to add some more distance between ...
scottbb's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do my photographic slides have a lighter area near the borders?

Your slides are most likely duplicates. The white borders are where some light leaked through the dark borders surrounding the image in the original film. Duplication is performed by bringing the ...
PhotoScientist's user avatar
3 votes

How do I get images from 35 mm positive film?

The easiest way to get prints of your positive film is to do the following: Digitize the film or have this done for you. (this is sometimes called duplicating, see note on historical nomenclature ...
PhotoScientist's user avatar
3 votes

How do I get images from 35 mm positive film?

I think your 'professional' is just saying he isn't set up to do this job. It's certainly possible to make prints from colour slides. Here's one company that offers this service in the UK. https://...
Laurence's user avatar
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How do I get images from 35 mm positive film?

i need to make images from a roll of 35 mm positive film? The path of least resistance here is surely to just have the film scanned, or do it yourself, and print the images digitally.
Caleb's user avatar
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3 votes

How would you create a projector gobo from a photo?

You might have some success with using a lithographic material such as Kodalith-ortho, Type 3. It was used for photomechanical reproductions and special effects for light shows back in the day. It is ...
Stan's user avatar
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How to use colour charts and patches for color restoration of old photographic films?

I cannot help you directly, but I can give you directions. I also think it is possible to automate the procedure, especially if the color chart has the same shape everywhere, but it requires some ...
FarO's user avatar
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How to use colour charts and patches for color restoration of old photographic films?

Katrin Eismann wrote an excellent book called Photoshop Restauration and Retouching. It is full of excellent advice targeted to your problem. There is also short discussion of using reference color ...
MirekE's user avatar
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How can I create film slides from digital photos?

What you ask for used to be common, and called a film recorder. Really old ones were analog. You connected video signals to them, and the result would end up on film. Usually it took several ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
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Counteract strong blue light emission from a cheap LED

You appear to have actually two [& a half] separate issues caused by the same thing. Firstly the blue spots - which, btw, won't do you any harm so long as you don't stare directly into the light ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Avoiding blurry edges with slide duplicator + macro lens

Most optics are weak around the edges, including the +10 diopter included with the slide duplicator. The purpose of the diopter is to allow the slide duplicator to work with non-macro lenses. But ...
xiota's user avatar
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Color temperature when digitizing slides

The Kodak Carousel lamp is 3300 thru 3350 K. Slide copy film was balanced for Tungsten A 3200 K. Industry standard for viewing color prints is 5000 K with a color index of 95 or greater. That being ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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3 votes

Color temperature when digitizing slides

Kodak does not specify viewing conditions for their slide films. Fuji specifies ISO standard (D50/5000k) for the transparency viewer (table) used. But that is not a slide projector; they do not ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
2 votes

Using a 35mm Slide Copier with a Crop Sensor

There are a few different types of slide duplicator designs: Some attach to the filter threads of a lens. This type of slide duplicator is easiest to use on crop-sensor bodies. Image quality depends ...
xiota's user avatar
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Best option for scanning a large volume of slides

I have 10,000 slides. So after doing the math on the effort to scan these I bought a Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 ED for about $1500. The Nikon has an extension allowing for about 40-50 slides to do ...
Gert's user avatar
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How can I prevent focus shift between slides when projecting them?

If you haven't yet made the move to digital projectors, another possibility is movement of the projector, as the carousel turns, or if people are sitting near it. You can try moving the projector ...
xiota's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use colour charts and patches for color restoration of old photographic films?

Kodak created software that restored faded film images. The results were remarkable. As I recall, there were three products in a package called Digital ICE Cube. The original product was called ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the differences between projector, enlarger, and macro lenses for photographing 35mm slides?

Enlarger lenses and projector lenses are figured to work flat-to-flat. In other words, project an image of a flat negative or transparency onto flat paper or screen. The camera lens is figured to work ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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2 votes

Copying slides with a 50mm lens instead of a macro one

IT is NOT a matter of holding the slide out far enough. The issue is getting it close enough for the image to be sufficient usable size. However, the 50 mm lens does not focus close enough to get an ...
WayneF's user avatar
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2 votes

How would you create a projector gobo from a photo?

Their are numerous shops, you can search the web, digital file to slide (transparency). A quick search discovered Their are many others. My thought, a 40 watt ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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2 votes

Focussing 100mm Auto Bellows Minolta lens on Bellows I with slide duplicator

1:1 (life-size) is achieved when the object is 4 times the focal length from the image plane (film plane or sensor plane). If a 100mm lens is mounted, the lens-to-image-plane distance will be ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
  • 39.7k
2 votes

What is causing a white stripe on top of some slides taken with my film camera?

I also don't think it is the shutter, because if it was, wouldn't the white stripe be more parallel to the border? Shutter issues don't always manifest themselves with light bands exactly parallel to ...
Michael C's user avatar
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2 votes

Does a slide made from color reversal film take damage when used for several hours in a slide projector?

Are you speaking of continuously projecting one single slide, or projecting through a tray of 40 slides? Bad either way, but if one slide, you certainly better prepare many duplicate expendable ...
WayneF's user avatar
  • 12.9k

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