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17 votes

Cannot align images with align_image_stack

Increase the number of control points. The standard is eight (-c 8). Raise this number to 20, 50, 100 or even 500. You will not get a worse result because of that - ...
user258532's user avatar
13 votes

What are Hugin "stacks"?

Many people use Hugin to do not just panostitching, but also exposure stacking (for high-dyanmic range (HDR) or exposure fusion) at the same time. Stitching 360x180 panoramas shot outside almost ...
inkista's user avatar
  • 53k
7 votes

How to stitch multiple flat virtual images in a grid with Hugin or other FOSSoftware?

After some more studying the program and testing around I finally got it to work! Here is every step I took: Launch Hugin (version 2019.0.0.a369cbe55179, on Manjaro Linux); Interface menu > Expert; ...
itsmeciao's user avatar
  • 121
6 votes

Does Hugin support stitching pictures of the Moon?

With the images you supplied, Hugin (version 2020.0) had no problem automatically finding control points. As you can see, the distance was very good (zero is desired outcome) with average control ...
qrk's user avatar
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4 votes

When creating a panorama with Hugin, how can I disable blending images?

You can tell Hugin to keep the intermediate corrected images by checking Exposure corrected, low dynamic range as shown in the image below. The intermediate images will be corrected for lens ...
qrk's user avatar
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4 votes

How to correct stitching with Hugin?

Broken-Line stitching errors There may be no way to fix these in Hugin itself, as it's very probable you have a parallax issue when shooting. If you do not rotate the camera/lens combination ...
inkista's user avatar
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4 votes

Looking for a Hugin PTO viewer standalone app, or just a simple way of viewing my panoramas!

The pto files produced by Hugin are basically just configuration files. Some programs, such as Hugin itself, may be able to open the files and allow you to preview ...
xiota's user avatar
  • 27.1k
4 votes

How do you create a 360° virtual tour without a fisheye lens?

What you're missing is a lot of scene coverage. To get a 360ºx180º full spherical view, you have to cover the entire sphere. Without a fisheye lens, this is likely to mean multiple rows as well as a ...
inkista's user avatar
  • 53k
4 votes

Why does Hugin stitch two pictures the wrong way with big steps?

Three issues are very apparent: You did not rotate the camera about the no parallax point, often mistakenly called the nodal point. This is readily apparent in the relative alignments of various ...
qrk's user avatar
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3 votes

How to correct stitching with Hugin?

Your question is not clear because we do not really know what you have, but if your image is misaligned because you did not use a panorama head, you can not correct it. Take a look at this: Do I &...
Rafael's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I align two panoramic images?

I have developed my own solution which worked quite well. The main idea is to use linear regression to find out a 2d transform function. I used 4th order polynomial. I.e: $x' = a_1 + a_2 * x + a_3 * y ...
Wu Yongzheng's user avatar
3 votes

Wrapping photos to an equirectangular projection in Hugin

You don't have sufficient scene coverage for an equirectangular. 360x180 coverage means you took enough photos and stitched to cover the entire sphere. If you didn't point your camera straight up and ...
inkista's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I make equirectangular with Hugin, starting 6 pics Cubic Projection?

If you're trying to remap six cube faces back to an equirectangular, the easiest way to do it is with the commercial software package, Pano2VR. Pano2VR lets you feed it six cube face images ...
inkista's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the meaning of the distance parameter for line control points?

From Distance, the distance in pixels between a perfect alignment and the actual alignment achieved by the optimiser. ...
Olivier's user avatar
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3 votes

Create long exposure images from videos

The output says: Unable to open file '1001.jpg'. The program can't open the file because it can't find the file; since you haven't specified the full path, the ...
osullic's user avatar
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2 votes

How to reproject and crop a 360°x180° panorama?

This FFMpeg command takes as input an equirectangular image and provides as output an image as if it was shot by a camera poiting in the direction specified by yaw and pitch parameters: ...
jumpjack's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get panorama using few photos warped properly?

If memory serves me you can force Hugin to make certain points form a horizontal or vertical line in the final image. You might look into that. Note however that forcing one part of the image to ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes

How do you create a 360° virtual tour without a fisheye lens?

What you are missing is the type of projection used to create a 360 degree tour. The software you are using seems to be building a cylindrical projection and then unrolling it. In other words, it is ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I fix the align_image_stack error: "No valid distortion data found in lens database"?

Hugin used to use the lensfun database. But the 2015 version of Hugin's release notes state: Lens database Hugin now has its own camera and lens database, and hugin_lensdb is the maintenance tool. ...
inkista's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does Hugin distort the output image?

I think there are two or three possible issues: one with the commands and two with your photos. Make sure you (globally) understand the commands you are running. As you have seen for yourself, the ...
agtoever's user avatar
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2 votes

Crop overlap in existing panorama

I don't think there's any computational way of doing this. The main problem is that whatever computational software you have isn't going to know your true HFoV (how far you rotated), and you can't use ...
inkista's user avatar
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2 votes

Stitching a series of images leads to artifacts on bright conditions

Thanks, everyone for replying. I was able to fix the artifacts, the actual issue was with the blending. From the documentation: nona can do rudimentary assembly of the remapped images, but a much ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
2 votes

Ghosting with HDR panorama using hugin

I'm unable to create a reasonable pano from your A & B source files. A few things are obvious: The nodal point is off as evidenced by the plants in the foreground and the railing. It looks like a ...
qrk's user avatar
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2 votes

Create long exposure images from videos

Normally, you work in the directory that contains the data, so you do: ...
xenoid's user avatar
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1 vote

Ghosting with HDR panorama using hugin

The ghosting is probably coming from moving the camera in space between shots, particularly if you were handholding and not using a tripod with a calibrated panohead to rotate around the lens's no-...
inkista's user avatar
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1 vote

Hugin 360 problems

That looks like you missed covering the entire scene, and enblend is attempting to blend the black (uncovered) area of the scene with the bits it does have. I would suggest checking that you've ...
inkista's user avatar
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1 vote

Output panorama shows color shift wrt input image [Hugin]

I don't see a strong colour shift, I see a slight colour shift and an equally slight exposure shift. I think it could be due to the vignetting removal of Hugin? (If you really see a strong shift ...
Jere Kupari's user avatar
1 vote

How to stitch multiple flat virtual images in a grid with Hugin or other FOSSoftware?

The 'Optimise > Geometric and choose Custom parameters' is very important as otherwise the 'Optimiser' tab is not shown and the menu option is greyed out without explanation. To set it, go to the '...
Rob190's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Looking for a Hugin PTO viewer standalone app, or just a simple way of viewing my panoramas!

In Hugin, with the .pto project file open, go to the Fast Preview window (the button with the GL on it) select View → Overview in the menus to open the interactive Overview pane. This ...
inkista's user avatar
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1 vote

How to correct stitching with Hugin?

Hugin is very hard to master. It can achieve impressive results with really badly taken shots, but with "normal" images can be a bit of an overhead. Having used it a lot, even without seeing your ...
motoDrizzt's user avatar

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