I am trying to create a batch process for stitching images together with Hugin, however I end up with distorted images, and can't find out why.
As an example I am using these two images:
And using the process described here with this sequence of commands:
pto_gen -o project.pto image_01.jpg image_02.jpg
cpfind --multirow -o project.pto project.pto
celeste_standalone -i project.pto -o project.pto
cpclean -o project.pto project.pto
linefind -o project.pto project.pto
autooptimiser -v 20 -a -l -s -m -o project.pto project.pto
pano_modify --center --straighten --canvas=AUTO --crop=AUTO -o project.pto project.pto
echo "stitching part 1..."
nona -m TIFF_m -o project project.pto
echo "stitching part 2..."
enblend -o project.tif project0000.tif project0001.tif
rm project0*.tif
However I always end up with an image that's distorted like this:
Why is that? at what stage does the distortion happen, and how can I fix that?