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37 votes

What is an efficient way to digitize a family photo collection?

Your DSLR can do it in about 5 seconds each. You need a tripod, a piece of glass and a decent light. Try to come up with a way to work at table height. Aim the camera straight down. Put a flat board ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
30 votes

What is an efficient way to digitize a family photo collection?

For large collections (in the 1000s) outside services can be very expensive. Especially if you: A) want decent quality, B) don't want them shipped to another country for cheaper processing, and/or C) ...
bucknljake's user avatar
16 votes

What is an efficient way to digitize a family photo collection?

An alternative... If you have considered Sherwood Botsford's answer and it seems like a lot of work...well, you are not wrong, especially for larger archives. Consider finding a service to do this ...
osullic's user avatar
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15 votes

Is it better to continue shooting in JPEGs instead of RAW if you are not planning to do post processing?

"Better job" is subjective. We certainly get lots of questions like Why does this camera generated JPEG look better than the software generated one? Why do RAW images look worse than JPEGs in editing ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 143k
10 votes

What is pixel peeping and why do some people say should I avoid it?

What is pixel peeping? Pixel peeping can be defined as magnifying an image until individual pixels are perceivable by the viewer. Pixel peeping may also be defined as magnifying an image on a monitor ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
9 votes

Use DateCreated for DateTaken (CreationTime) on a PNG using ExifTool

As long as you have the filename set as you mention, the command you want to use is exiftool "-PNG:CreationTime<Filename" FileOrDir Date Taken is a ...
StarGeek's user avatar
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9 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

I think your understanding is incorrect. Converting a JPEG to PNG doesn't magically aid in quality preservation as you edit an image. Essentially, when an image is opened in an editor, the filetype ...
osullic's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it better to continue shooting in JPEGs instead of RAW if you are not planning to do post processing?

In addition to what the other answers have already stated: There may be specific shooting situations that you encounter on a regular basis that would benefit from batch converting raw files after the ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
7 votes

Is there an alternative to Apple's Photos application without a single library file?

I used to use Mac's Photos application, but I don't like the fact that it's generating some huge Library file which might get corrupted and without mac I can't access my images. Frankly, I think you'...
inkista's user avatar
  • 52.6k
7 votes

How to look back on 10 years of photography?

After years of photography you can look back on your work thematically and discover periods or area’s in your development as photographer. I think this is interesting to document. Once you find “...
agtoever's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there photo analysis software which will pre-sort images by identifying potential technical problems?

This is pretty easy to do if you can write in Python. Here's a good article on using an open-source computer vision package to detect overall picture blurriness:
RubinMac's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a known practice of post-processing to make a finished photo while viewing a subject?

It's not exactly the term you are specifically looking for, but looking for information about tethering will get you in the right track. I'm not aware of any generally used term to describe tethering ...
Michael C's user avatar
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5 votes

How to set up correct color profile in Windows?

The question is very broad and probably beyond the scope of an answer here. Entire books have been written regarding points 1-5 of your question. It seems that all of that is really just a long ...
Michael C's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there any benefit to RAW+JPG being two separate files on Nikon?

I expected that this would cleverly embed the JPG within the .NEF file structure so I could handle them as a single unit. When you record a raw file, the camera almost always embeds a jpeg preview ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
5 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

If you want manufacturer-quality editing, filters/LUTs etc, use the manufacturer's software. If you want to edit further after that, use 16-bit TIFF. Only ever go to 8-bit at final export. Yes, this ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
4 votes

Corrupted picture while moving Lightroom folder to network drive

Lightroom is simply using the underlying operating system to move files. The benefit of doing it in Lightroom is that it also updates the LR database with link locations. Lightroom itself did not ...
cmason's user avatar
  • 14.8k
4 votes

Run multiple exports at once in Lightroom

You now can! With the 'Max 2019 Photography Releases' one of the improvements to Lightroom Classic is the ability to export the same image multiple times. Just by selecting the exports you wish to ...
Crazy Dino's user avatar
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4 votes

Is bracketing useful in the era of digital photography and post-processing?

Particularly if you're shooting RAW, you're correct that two-thirds of a stop's worth of bracketing doesn't get you that much. Two-thirds of a stop is something you can get in post-processing with ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
  • 22.1k
4 votes

Is there any benefit to RAW+JPG being two separate files on Nikon?

Is there any benefit to RAW+JPG being two separate files... ? The JPG can be used as-is with software that is incapable of processing raw files. The raw file is available for processing should the "...
xiota's user avatar
  • 27k
4 votes

Should I do retouching on Photoshop before color grading on Lightroom or vice versa?

I always do the color grading stuff before, because if done after retouching it can make the editing more visible. The edited parts are always a bit different from their surroundings and will react ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 21.7k
4 votes

How to look back on 10 years of photography?

Your favourite ones, you named at the time (& probably saved various-sized jpgs of too). The rest just have numbers. If all you have are numbers, then you need to start the review process over ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
3 votes

Sharing rating between Digikam and Rawtherapee

As far as I know, there is currently no way to translate PP3 to XMP sidecars, or vice versa. And developers are often reluctant to adapt their program to read data written by another program, ...
remco's user avatar
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3 votes

What features should one look for in Monitors in 2020 for Photo Editing?

Things NOT to get: TN panels of any kind. Their color rendition varies on viewing angle. IPS and its variations (including PLS and AH-IPS) is what you want. Any monitor that isn't at least specified ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
3 votes

How to look back on 10 years of photography?

I have a similar situation concerning the years of experience, workflow, prints and LR collections. Recently I "revived" my photographs when I put them all in the cloud, using an organised ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
3 votes

How to look back on 10 years of photography?

At the start of each new year our photo club has a meeting in which each of us shows our favorite 10 images from the year just passed. Preparing for this each year is an excellent exercise for me in ...
LMacB's user avatar
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3 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

Not sure if you considered it but each major camera manufacturer has their own raw file developing software which should produce same image as in-camera JPEG (you might check it yourself using raw+...
Euri Pinhollow's user avatar
2 votes

Taking pictures of rugs for online use

Turn OFF auto white balance in the camera. Auto white balance works on the assumption that the world is grey. Some smarter cameras look for oval blobs, assume they are faces, and try to get that to ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
2 votes

How can you use Lightroom and still sync images across multiple devices?

There are iOS and Android mobile app versions of Lightroom that can sync with the desktop application. You'll be out of Apple's iCloud ecosystem, and doing this via Adobe's creative cloud (CC) ...
inkista's user avatar
  • 52.6k
2 votes

Colour Workflow A - Z

It sounds like you are missing a step or two. First, a general note on ICC color correction. The point of ICC is to document the differences between a target and the actual display medium as well as ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
  • 35k
2 votes

Compress colour gamut using output profiles?

This is how color management is designed to work. When converting out-of-gamut colors into a new color space, both the Perceptual and Relative rendering intents put those out-of gamut colors at the ...
digijim's user avatar
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