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2 votes

How to isolate white subject from a white background?

Not a Photoshop-based answer: You are making things difficult for yourself with your granite background. The first thing to do is to shoot your objects against a plain background, then if needed you ...
xenoid's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I copy or fill the image with color

Use the clone tool (Ink stamp icon)
xenoid's user avatar
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How to isolate white subject from a white background?

The quick selection tool has two modes: adding and removing. When you're adding, the cursor has a + sign inside it; when you're removing, the cursor has a - sign inside it. When the tool has gone too ...
Pete Becker's user avatar
1 vote

HDR Help - Photoshop Cs5

I have used the free software Hugin to achieve this. Although primarily for building panorama's Hugin is a GUI for various tools including align_image_stack for aligning stacks of images in ...
dmkonlinux's user avatar
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