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Questions tagged [jpeg]

JPEG is an adjustable "lossy" compression method commonly used in digital photograph. The most common filename extensions for images using the JPEG format are .jpg and .jpeg. Compare to alternative image formats such as TIFF and the various RAW formats.

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2 votes
1 answer

Why are images exported from Lightroom 6 different from the preview?

I currently have Dell U2711 monitor with Dell U2711 ICC profile (Adobe RGB preset mode) Windows 10 Adobe Lightroom 6 CC Image from Fujifilm X100 in both RAW (RAF) and JPEG Done very little else to ...
Kram's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Software that guesses which algorithm saved a given JPEG

Some time ago, I found a piece of software that would provide a good guess on the software/algorithm used to save a JPEG. If I recall correctly, it would analyze something like the compression ...
Roflo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

In Lightroom, where are the equivalents of the "Comments" and "Subject" tags from Windows File Explorer?

I wrote some info on a couple JPEGs using Windows File Explorer. In Explorer, I wrote info on the "Comments" and the "Subject" tags. However, when I import the JPEGs into Adobe Lightroom, I can't find ...
Jorge Luque's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why doesn't PNG show more detail than JPEG in a converted NASA image?

I have a really limited knowledge of photography, so, bearing that in mind, here is my problem. I downloaded an IMG file with a separate label file from NASA PDS because I wanted to visualise the ...
Gaetano's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Why does raw to jpg conversion differ in different editors?

I just started using RAW files (to be more correct I set my camera to RAW+JPG). Then I opened the raw file in RawTherapee and without doing any changes I exported it in jpg next to the jpg file ...
darpet's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Any reason not to set ALL photos to "300dpi"? [duplicate]

I run a site where multiple photographers upload and sell their photos to my users. Some of them just want to buy a JPEG, some of them want to buy a JPEG to print. You and I both know that a ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cause of exiftool error (minor: PreviewImage) and should I be worried?

While sorting my images with exiftool "-directory<EXIF:DateTimeOriginal" -d %Y%m%d -ext jpg . for some of .JPGs exiftool reported an error ...
Rook's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What's the perfectionist's workflow for taking a photograph from capture to print?

I'm interested in perfecting the 100% ideal method of doing things, keeping the color tones and quality through capturing to the printing and publishing. This isn't about handling the camera or doing ...
inckka's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to remove EXIF person tags created by Picasa?

I have many photos spread across several folders. Many photos contain EXIF person tags created by Picasa. How can I remove these tags? ...
Jack Miller's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Corrupt jpeg will not open [duplicate]

I have a Maxtor external hard drive which I store many photos on in the camera's raw format and also the converted jpegs. I have the photos broken down into several folders on the drive. Recently, ...
mistletoe's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Does writing EXIF tags influence jpeg quality?

If I understand well then the EXIF data is written in an extra space of the JPEG file. When I add or modify an EXIF tag does this leave the picture untouched? I searched for this and I was not able to ...
Marco's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Lightroom: how to import GPS location when adding DNG after JPG?

I do have the following problem: I imported many pics as JPG files, which contain GPS metadata and created collections etc. Now I added the corresponding DNG files so that Lightroom merges them. The ...
sibbl's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Does it make sense to use a RAW converter program on a compressed image?

I read so far about RAW converter programs. I downloaded LightZone for Linux, but have not used it yet. When people write about raw converter programs they mention the raw format of a picture, and ...
Dr.ABC's user avatar
  • 21
10 votes
3 answers

Can I do "back conversion" of a B&W JPEG to color?

I have a black and white JPEG. It is in fact an RGB image, which means that the color is still there. And I know from past experience that when I shoot B&W with my Canon, the color image is still ...
Gastarbeiter's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Lossless modification of JPEGs according to XMP metadata

I have a bunch of photos in JPEGs (not in RAW or any other lossless format). I turned on the option "Include Develop settings in metadata inside JPEG" in Lightroom. If I understand it correctly, it ...
michau's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there an easy way to export photos from Lightroom in original format if they're unedited?

When I export a folder or collection from Lightroom, I want unedited photos exported in their original format (like DNG, ARW, PNG) and edited photos exported in a chosen format, like JPEG. Is there ...
Kartick Vaddadi's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to set white balance of a RAW to match the preview JPEG?

When I view ARWs in Lightroom, I sometimes find the white balance of the embedded preview JPEG to be perfect, so I'd like to apply it to the RAW. How do that I do that in LR or other (free) software? ...
Kartick Vaddadi's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How do I reduce the file size of a jpeg image? [duplicate]

I have a photo in jpeg format that I am unable to reduce from 110 KB to 45kb. What software can do this?
Geetha's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Is there a lossy compressed file format for 16-bit dynamic range images?

I'd like to aggressively compress some scientific 16-bit grayscale image files, but without reducing the dynamic range. Is such a thing possible? I understand that JPEG format uses lossy, and ...
Christopher Bruns's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Will resizing JPEGs result in a compromise in my image?

I have several images for print, and only after deleting the original RAW files did I remember I needed to resize the images for print. Will resizing JPEGs result in a compromise in my image? They ...
user74091's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is a RAW-only camera economically justified? [closed]

Is a digital camera which could only take RAW images economically justified? considering that RAW files may need less in-camera processing.
Omne's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to save my album as JPEG on Kodak Digi Album Pro?

Objective: Save my album as JPEG on Kodak Digi Album Pro. I am using Kodak Digi Album pro and I'm new to this tool. This program generates a .PAB and .KPL file format, but I want my images to be ...
Vishruth's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

In Photoshop Elements, how much is image quality reduced if I re-save a previously saved "small" JPEG as a "large" JPEG?

Back story: I took a picture of a flower in RAW. Pulled it into ACR in PSE 12, moved it to the Photoshop Elements editor, made a few edits, then saved it as a "small" JPEG. When saving a pic in PSE, ...
markthomas's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I save scanned images of 35mm slides from a Nikon scanner in JPEG or Tiff?

I am scanning 35mm color slides, some 50 years old, with a Nikon scanner. Should I save the scanned image in jpeg or tiff format for saving on archival CDs?
Bill's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is exiftran still needed today for resetting the orientation of JPEG images?

Since more then ten years I use exiftran to rotate images after getting them from the camera. Is this step still needed today? Don't browsers and other image apps ...
guettli's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the practical purpose of "use raw as original" in Photos for OS X?

Within OS X Photos app, when I shoot jpeg/raw and upload to Photos, I get an image representing both files. By default I am looking at the jpeg. Or I can choose a command "Use Raw as Original". I ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is my Sony A57 creating low res JPGs?

I have used a Sony A57 since they became available. I always have the resolution set for 16M and FINE for JPEGs. I just took an important set of photos that were intended for large blow-ups. But ...
Sammy Peters's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to save the ISO, aperture, and other settings along with the image? [duplicate]

Is it possible to have the ISO, Aperture, and other setting save with the JPEG or RAW image when taking photos? I have the Canon T5i, and I'm fairly new to photography. I can keep a log book with ...
CodeLikeBeaker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't my camera produce usable EXIF data with a Samyang 8mm fisheye lens?

I am using a Sony nex-5 camera with a manual Samyang 8mm fish-eye lens for panoramic photography. The image stitching application (Panotour 2.3) does not recognize the Exif data. How can I force ...
AME's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to save JPEGs from GIMP 2.8 and higher?

At present I am learning GIMP 2.8 after getting the advice from this website to edit the photos captured by my Nokia N8. The problem is: I do not know how to save them in JPEG format in GIMP because ...
KON3's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Which has a faster write time: RAW or JPEG?

My question is about the write times of the RAW and JPEG file formats. A RAW file is larger than a JPEG and needs more time to write to the memory but it does not need to spend time on data ...
Phil's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Batch change CMYK JPG into YCbCr JPG?

I recently got a bunch of JPG photos but all are looking very strange colour wise – almost like colour negatives! My photo viewing program is saying they are all CMYK format but other ones ...
Priyanka's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Why do modern DSLRs support JPEG but not lossless formats other than RAW?

I'm from a programming background and very new to photography. While working with the SDK for the Canon Rebel T3i, I realized that the only image formats natively supported by the camera are RAW (CR2) ...
Raheel Khan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I target a specific size in megabytes when saving a JPEG in Photoshop?

I need to save several files as 20mb jpgs. When I save an image in Photoshop CS5 at 20mb, then go to that saved file in my folder, it shows as a much smaller file. Is there a formula for hitting that ...
Marty Klein's user avatar
30 votes
8 answers

How can I add a border to a JPEG photo without affecting quality?

I have a photo in JPEG format with resolution 4680x3120. I want to add a white border around this photo, turning it into a 5200x3467 photo (for printing reasons). Clearly, I am not altering or ...
LBogaardt's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to do non-destructive JPG color correction?

I would like to perform color correction on my photos before printing so that my workflow will create reproducible prints. (i.e. the lab corrects my photos and I print them again later, they may be ...
William Entriken's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What is the best practice for batch compressing jpeg files?

This is fairly theoretical, as it is definitely in the realm of "pixel peeping" and is more or less irrelevant for practical use, but with the increasing popularity of full-width images on websites, I'...
Ryan's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How can I detect upscaled photos?

I have a collection of JPEG photos, each 500 to 600 pixels on the longest side. How can I detect which ones have been algorithmically enlarged from a substantially smaller photo? An online ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I set my Canon 5D Mark II to JPEG only?

I'm trying to find out how to set JPEG only mode on my Canon 5D Mark II - which options do I need to set from which menus?
Julie's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Best program to batch compress JPGs with minimal loss?

My photo catalog is getting bigger and bigger. It's mainly my fault because in my noob years I used to export all JPGs with a 100% quality, point at which files can reach the 10mb mark or even more. I ...
Andres's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Where is a camera's preview image stored, when shooting in RAW?

When you take pictures in RAW, the camera stores a preview image (possibly jpeg) that it shown on the screen using white balance and other adjustments set in the camera. Where is this information ...
connersz's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How does the usual jpeg 0-100 quality settings translate into Photoshop's 0-12 quality setting?

JPEG encoders usually use a quality setting of 0-100, whereas Adobe photo software uses a 0-12 setting. Does anyone know how to convert between these? (I am actually not clear on whether the 0-100 ...
John Robertson's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

JPEG image problem [closed]

So my problem is with one of the Jpeg's I am working with. The things with Jpegs is that if you change even the slightest part of its HEX file, the whole image just gets screwed up. I zeroed out about ...
Daniyal's user avatar
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19 votes
11 answers

Why use JPEG instead of RAW?

Why would a photographer want to capture images using the JPEG format over an available RAW format? The obvious argument is memory card storage, but assume that my available memory card storage is ...
dpollitt's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do some programs show my portrait photographs in the wrong orientation?

Why do my jpg phone photos show as portrait in Windows (1536x2048), but in Mediainfo and Paint Shop they show as landscape and rotated ccw (2048x1536)? It's as though they have two sets of meta data ...
FoxyFish's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Exporting jpg files from Lightroom without develop adjustments

I am starting with Lightroom 5. I imported my raw pictures from my Canon and made some changes in some pictures. Then I've exported these pictures to my client and it's alright. Now I want to export ...
Wellington Zanelli's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

how to convert CR2 to jpg in batches on digital photo professional 4.1

how to convert a batch of CR2 to jpg on digital photo professional 4.1 Step by step please.
Angel's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I strip tags from a JPEG without removing the color profile?

For a while now I have used exiftool to strip away unnecessary metadata from jpg files (and to add copyright information) before uploading them: ...
Jens's user avatar
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26 votes
12 answers

Does simply opening and closing a JPEG file decrease image quality?

I've had quite a few photography classes, read many photography books, and screened many forums. And I can't find a consistent answer to this question. One "camp" says there is a loss of image quality ...
markthomas's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to retain focus point information in JPEGs exported from Lightroom?

I just tried out a plugin for Lightroom that shows the used focus points and found that it works fine for RAW files (CR2), but fails for JPEGs. The plugin notifies me that the JPEG doesn't contain the ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar

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