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1 answer

How best to convert PNG to WebP

I have 900 large, proprietary, multi-coloured PNG images of different sizes scanned @ 600 PPI ranging from 10MB to 50MB. The scans (ie photos) are of prints. The average size is 35MB. They all have a ...
user13549917's user avatar
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2 answers

Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

I have a bunch of PNG and TIFF files—scans of old family photos and documents. I will keep them as archival masters, but for the purpose of online sharing I am creating JPEG's from these files. The ...
texnic's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is jpeg or png the standard for fine art photography?

Is jpeg the predominant file format for fine art digital photographs, or what advantages would png have quality-wise that jpeg doesn't for photography, given that it takes up much more hard drive ...
user610620's user avatar
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Why is JPEG the only compressed image choice in most digital cameras? [duplicate]

I've been viewing, editing, and storing digital images since before digital cameras were common -- I've used GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and a few other now-obsolete formats. GIF has been mainly relegated ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the best format for pictures in order to have the most metadata?

Working with a smartphone, I've seen that JPEG shows a lot of information in the EXIF, where PNG not as much. However JPEG does some compression on the image which I'd like to avoid if not necessary ...
Samuel Dubuis's user avatar
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Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG?

I have a lot of family pictures saved in Google Drive as JPEGs - not JPEG 2000 - as they were initially acquired. I thought the problem with JPEGs was artifact at sharp edges, which is not too much ...
Antoni Parellada's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Printing digital photos: why do (most it seems) print shops only handle PDF not raster formats like PNG?

I am in Sydney, Australia. My otherwise very helpful local print shop only handles PDF (with limitations as described in this forum posting). I have so far not found any print shops in Sydney that ...
Webel IT Australia - upvoter's user avatar
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regarding image transfer [closed]

I have this client that is having a very frustrating time. I took some pictures for their clothing line. I formatted them for social media posting and copied them to a USB. I gave her the USB and for ...
MAF's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is it not ideal to save image as PNG for printing?

So the scenario: I want to order a print of one of my images. It is a special image and will be relatively large (a couple of metres) so I want it to be perfect as possible. I have the RAW file, ...
adam's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does converting image file formats affect quality?

Does converting image formats, such as from JPG to PNG, have any effect on image quality? I know converting from RAW to JPG has disadvantages, but what about other format conversions?
Mahesh Mankar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why doesn't PNG show more detail than JPEG in a converted NASA image?

I have a really limited knowledge of photography, so, bearing that in mind, here is my problem. I downloaded an IMG file with a separate label file from NASA PDS because I wanted to visualise the ...
Gaetano's user avatar
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62 votes
7 answers

Why don't most cameras support PNG format?

I prefer PNG format to JPG, because JPG uses lossy compression. When I capture a screen in my PC or scan a picture or document in my scanner, I always save them as PNG format. If a camera could ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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