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2 votes
4 answers

Are there reasons to NOT use Adobe RGB in JPEG/TIFF files and CIELAB in TIFF files?

Back in the day of 256 color displays. We had web safe colors but today nobody uses 256 color systems. These days people are using either sRGB or Adobe RGB monitors and browsing the net with it. In ...
Delta Oscar Uniform's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Color profile inside JPEG file

1) What is the best practice for color profiles embedded in .JPG images, for web? (non print) sRGB profile stored in .JPG file ? AdobeRGB profile stored in .JPG file ? no profile setting in .JPG file ...
Basj's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

What is the best practice for batch compressing jpeg files?

This is fairly theoretical, as it is definitely in the realm of "pixel peeping" and is more or less irrelevant for practical use, but with the increasing popularity of full-width images on websites, I'...
Ryan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to preserve image quality when exporting psd file to jpeg?

my psd file is 9900px by 6600px and I want to export it to jpeg for a website. When I try to export it to jpeg with 72ppi and lower down pixel dimensions to about 1000px by 750px, the image comes out ...
S N's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

What is a simple and effective method to sharpen for web output in Photoshop?

In Photoshop, I've got a master PSD image file with all mask and adjustment layer treatments, but no sharpening at all. I save for web and create a JPG at 1200px. Now, I bring that file back into ...
SAFX's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Does Flickr recompress JPEGs after upload?

Does Flickr recompress JPEGs after upload? I know that if you upload a TIFF, for example, Flickr converts it to JPEG. But do they also compress incoming JPEGs? I've read some complaints about the ...
jaxxon's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to avoid jpeg compression artefacts when saving photos in web resolution?

When I save a web-resolution image (for example, 1920×1024px), flat areas tints often have damaged shades of color. I'm saving in Photoshop CS4 with quality 2 in standard mode, because I need the ...
Capsize's user avatar
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