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Questions tagged [rawtherapee]

Open source, cross platform, raw image processing software

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Reading the picture changes on FOSS photo editing software

As the name of the topics says, I am looking for the FOSS photo editing software, who can read the picture changes and adjust its settings accordingly. It should work that I provide original image, ...
JZK's user avatar
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Rawtherapee: Exporting JPG That Looks Like the Raw File

I'm trying to export a JPG that appears the same way the raw file does in the Rawtherapee GUI -- totally unmodified. Do I need to create a profile, or modify a config, in order to create a JPG that ...
JoeS's user avatar
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2 answers

Bulk auto NEF → TIFF in RawTherapee?

Is there a way in RawTherapee (or another open-source app) to automatically bulk export NEFs to TIFFs using the camera's built-in options? I'd like to generate TIFFs using the exact same options the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Rawtherapee: maximum of 100 EXIF lines?

Recently I noticed that rawtherapee does not save all the EXIF tags present in an image. My Pentax camera saves the lens model under an "Lens ID" tag. All images which have been processed by ...
January's user avatar
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How to reduce the pink tone of the skin while increasing global saturation in RawTherapee?

I like to increase the saturation a little bit to vivid the colours of the landscape, plants/flowers or clothes. But doing this with a (caucasian) human in the photo quickly makes the skin too pink. ...
ymoreau's user avatar
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Why does my photo have red and green patches on it?

I am new to photography, so I ran into a problem when trying to edit a photo in Rawtherapee where my picture looks like it has red and green blotches all over it. I took this photo with ProShot on my ...
Sam Cao's user avatar
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Is it possible to read one bayer raw data steam file using RawTherapee?

I have one bayer raw file which contains only pixel values in bayer pattern and no metadata.The bayer pattern is known. Is it possible to the file using RawTherapee? The following link provides some ...
Jogging Song's user avatar
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RawTherapee/ART: How to match these warm colors from the embedded JPEG?

I've been using RawTherapee (and then its fork, ART) for several months, and overall I have been quite satisfied with it. However, there are a handful of scenarios where I'm struggling to achieve the ...
maples's user avatar
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How to process 360 photos without creating seam?

I shoot 360 photos with a 360 camera that takes the entire scene with two wide-angle lenses that are stitched together to obtain 360 panoramas. I use Rawtherapee for post-processing and colour ...
NorthSon's user avatar
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Noise reduction showing no change at any zoom

I'm using RawTherapee and none of the noise reduction sliders make even the slightest difference, no matter how far I slide them. I've tried it at all different zoom levels, including 100% (the one I'...
JenQ10's user avatar
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How can I edit this photo in RawTherapee to increase the details in both the subject and the background clouds?

I recently took this photo, and by playing around in RawTherapee was able to bring out two particular aspects of the image that I really like. First, the original (This is a "save" of the ...
maples's user avatar
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Most compatible RAW format for Linux users?

After looking at various APS-C and full-frame mirrorless cameras, I thought I had settled on the Canon M200, because its size and image quality are great. Then however I got some sample RAWs and to my ...
wudude's user avatar
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Calibrate exposure in RawTherapee using a grey scale

I just got a grey card which comes with a 11 levels grey scale : L 18.9 | Ev −2 | Ev −1.5 | Ev −1 | Ev −0.5 | L 50 Ev 0 | Ev +0.5 | Ev +1 | Ev +1.5 | Ev +2 | L 98.2 ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
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Raw therapee lens/geometry correction Sony a6100

I recently bought my first "real" camera, a Sony Alpha 6100 (Sony ILCE-6100). I select that both, .jpg and .arw should be stored....
user7431005's user avatar
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How to get Shotwell to see Rawtherapee edits to RAW images?

I am trying out a workflow in Linux where I use Shotwell for image management, and Rawtherapee as the editor. If I view an image in Shotwell, and choose "Open in RAW Editor", make an edit, then go ...
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What does SaturatedOpacity mean in Rawtherapee?

When checking differences between Rawtherapee .pp3 profiles, I noticed a SaturatedOpacity parameter under ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
6 votes
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How to undo all changes to an edited image in RawTherapee?

My Problem I am editing an image in RawTherapee, and I am not satisfied with the result. I want to undo all changes and start editing the original image. If possible, I would be happy to see a list ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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Enhance snowy mountain detail (high-frequency high-contrast) in RawTherapee

I occasionally have this issue where the camera software produces better microcontrast than I can via RawTherapee. I am unsure whether this is an issue with the software or with my ability to use it. ...
TheChymera's user avatar
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Sharing rating between Digikam and Rawtherapee

I've been using Rawtherapee for post processing for a short while, and, even though I've been able to adapt well my workflow to it, I've found that having to look through most of the photos I took ...
Neuromante's user avatar
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How to mimic Olympus' dramatic tone filter?

I just did a few tries with some of Olympus' art filters and liked that "dramatic tone" filter. But even then, the images are far from perfect and I would like to recreate them in my raw converter (I ...
craesh's user avatar
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Seeing a lot of noise when editing in RAW

I'm editing some RAW images using RawTherapee, and after editing I'm seeing a significant amount of noise that wasn't present in the original RAW image. I'm increasing the exposure, contrast, and ...
user2654217's user avatar
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Why are histograms in Entangle and RawTherapee so different?

I've made a photo in Entangle, and then opened it in RawTherapee. When comparing the histograms, I noticed that they are very different. See the screenshot: Here we can see a deep dip in G and B ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Why doesn't noise reduction have any effect in Rawtherapee?

I am processing some raw images from my Canon camera. I am using Rawtherapee on a Mac desktop. When I try to apply noise reduction, the changes are not taking place, or at the very least are not ...
Scorb's user avatar
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Are my RAW photos underexposed?

When I take RAW images with my Canon 1300D and import them into RawTherapee, they always appear very dark and/or lacking in contrast until I increase the Lightness, Contrast, and Saturation to 50 (...
micheal65536's user avatar
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How to reduce color noise in Darktable?

Photo worth a thousand words is below. Summary: Darktable generates a lot of color noise which is really hard to remove in color photography. Why is that? How to fight it?
user1660210's user avatar
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Where Can I Find Lens Correction Profile Files (for RawTherapee and Other Apps)?

RawTherapee can perform lens corrections provided it has access to the correct Lens Correction Profile (.lcp) file. These files are supposedly distributed with Adobe software, but even after ...
Douglas Silas's user avatar
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Why does the same raw image look different in Rawtherapee than in geeqie & DSLR preview and how to get the same preview as geeqie

On left side of this image it shows the raw image opened with geeqie and on right hand side same raw image opened with rawtherapee. Geeqie showed me exactly the same way as I see in the DSLR preview ...
Tarun Chawla's user avatar
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Why is exposure correctable in RAW [duplicate]

I have been reading some tutorials and documentation on Rawtherapee software, specifically its exposure compensation. I am curious how exposure is correctable after the RAW image is captured? For ...
Scorb's user avatar
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Using rawtherapee to create an image like a DSLR camera in bracketing mode

Can rawtherapee can be used to create an image like a DSLR camera in bracketing mode? I noticed that rawtherapee has many controls under the exposure tab. I was told that just changing the exposure ...
Emad-ud-deen's user avatar
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Nikon D750 NEF files display incorrectly

I got some raw files from a friend who uses the same camera model as me (Nikon D750). I notice that whereas I can postprocess my NEF pictures just fine, his pictures look very very weird when I try to ...
TheChymera's user avatar
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How do I compare setting values in RawTherapee and darktable?

Taking baby steps in photo editing, I'm trying out RawTherapee and darktable. They seem to use wildly varying scales for various variables, and even in some variables: The Black option, for ...
muru's user avatar
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Why does raw to jpg conversion differ in different editors?

I just started using RAW files (to be more correct I set my camera to RAW+JPG). Then I opened the raw file in RawTherapee and without doing any changes I exported it in jpg next to the jpg file ...
darpet's user avatar
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How to keep burnt-out regions from becoming strongly blue and purple in Rawtherapee?

I am getting the following very unpleasant visual effect from a party picture I am trying to post-process in RawTherapee. Basically, I would like to have the regions where the lights pointed to look ...
TheChymera's user avatar
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What corrections does MS Camera Codec Pack apply?

When viewing raw images with Windows Photo Viewer via the M$ Camera Codec Pack, images appear different than when viewing with any other editor (UFRaw, RawTherapee, etc). Here's an example: I opened ...
crockeea's user avatar
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Why are my NEF photos unusually dark in RawTherapee?

I've just started using RAW/NEF files and came across this problem with dark images. I've been reading a bit and I know that an application I open my NEFs with must do some processing to show what ...
danizmax's user avatar
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Problem with processing .CR2 format in Linux

first time I used Canon and all my programs -Rawtherapee, Darktable, UFRaw, Rawstudio - opened the photos as below. Anyone has idea why this is happening and how to fix it? I use Linux and I'm used to ...
Lucie's user avatar
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Output image of RawTherapee is different

I modified a raw image using rawtherapee which looks like below screenshot in editor. But when I export it (I have tried all options: jpeg,png, best quality etc), the output image is not same. It is ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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In RawTherapee noise removal, why does noise apparently come back if I zoom out?

I am trying to remove noise from a picture taken at 2000 ISO on Nikon D90 with RawTherapee and have some weird results. In order to test the noise removal, I have naively pushed all the chrominance ...
Oneira's user avatar
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Are there predefined profiles in Darktable to instantly give RAWs some necessary punch?

I am just starting using Darktable 1.4 under Mac OS X 1.4. Before I was using Raw Therapee. What I liked about Raw Therapee are the profiles it ships with, especially as the RAWs that come out of my ...
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How to do a selective color adjustment in RawTherapee?

GIMP has a nice color dialog that lets me change saturation for certain colors easily. How can I do something similar in Rawtherapee? For quality and consistency reasons I want to stay in one and ...
his's user avatar
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How to get a full-screen preview of a cropped area in RawTherapee?

I've used the crop tool in RawTheraee to crop a raw image: Is there a way to full-screen preview the cropped section prior to exporting?
Adam Matan's user avatar
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What information is contained in "filename.jpg.out.pp3" file?

When I edit my RAW file in RawTherapee and save it as JPG, the application creates another companion file along with the JPG — a file with the extension .jpg.out.pp3...
Vinoth Kumar C M's user avatar
2 votes
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Modify exposure of a specific part of an image using rawtherapee or gimp (ufraw)

Is there a way to modify the exposure on a specific part of an image using rawtherapee, Gimp's ufraw, or any other free/open source tool?
dassouki's user avatar
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RAWtherapee vs darktable for Linux [closed]

As an Ubuntu user and a beginner photographer, which of these programs (RAWtherapee or darktable) would give me the best head start and has the most user friendly interface? The emphasis in this ...
Switchkick's user avatar
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Simple comparison of LightRoom 4, Corel AfterShot Pro, DarkTable

I understand that I should upgrade from my basic workflow (mostly Picasa + some Cyberlink PhotoDirector). edit The basic of what I'm looking into is a step-up, single stop (if possible!) solution to:...
Stefano's user avatar
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