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Questions tagged [jpeg]

JPEG is an adjustable "lossy" compression method commonly used in digital photograph. The most common filename extensions for images using the JPEG format are .jpg and .jpeg. Compare to alternative image formats such as TIFF and the various RAW formats.

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1 answer

Finding niche image files relating to medical imaging

I have a very specific image formatting request and thought someone here may be able to help me. I'm looking for a list of image formats that are used in medical imaging. I've had trouble finding ...
Tyler Kealy's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do my RAW files from shooting RAW + JPEG appear very dark?

I was wondering do others has the same problem as I do with this option. After I take a photo with my canon 4000d using Raw + jpeg and check it out the photo on my laptop, the raw is very dark, which ...
Marcus's user avatar
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1 answer

Where does darktable store image tags?

Darktable has what seems to be useful image tagging functionality, but where does it store those tags? Are they written to the file itself as metadata, or are tags only stored in external files? I.e. ...
skeetastax's user avatar
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2 answers

Does well printed black text stay essentially unchanged on a highly compressed image of a page of text?

We are digitizing a huge collection of paper repair manuals (not violating copyright) and the print quality and evenness of tone of the text is quite excellent. I am using using cell phone images for ...
The _traveler's user avatar
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reparing corrupt pictures [duplicate]

I have lots of corrupted image files. the are grey or have several issues. is there an tool out there to fix issues like that? Maybe opensource ? Thanks in advance.
user115917's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

A JPEG image EXIF Orientation problem

I have an image which it is strange, The EXIF Orientation tag is 8 (left bottom, i.e. rotate 270 CW) Image source: I ...
saycchai's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Edit an image's data so that a digital camera can read it

Context I have a Polaroid PoGo Zink printer (link to manual) that I would like to print an image on. Unfortunately I cannot get the Bluetooth to connect succesfully to any of my devices, so I am ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Breaking down the format of the "Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling" EXIF tag

When using exiftool to inspect various images, I've seen lots of different values for the Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling tag. A few ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to use JPG embedded in RAW for color calibration in darktable

My camera (Canon EOS R5) does a great job with colors for the embedded JPG, but I am unable to achieve similar colors (mainly skin tones) when processing the RAW version of the image in darktable. I ...
YSN's user avatar
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1 answer

How best to convert PNG to WebP

I have 900 large, proprietary, multi-coloured PNG images of different sizes scanned @ 600 PPI ranging from 10MB to 50MB. The scans (ie photos) are of prints. The average size is 35MB. They all have a ...
user13549917's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Something is corrupting my jpegs. How can I trace what did this?

I keep finding jpeg images on my laptop, which are corrupt. Some have a gray band at the bottom, some are reported bad by Bad Peggy (but look normal when viewed in e.g. XNView) and some are just ...
Steve Franks's user avatar
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4 answers

Metering Mode Doesn't Effect RAW Files? What About The JPEG Preview?

[Sony A7R5] Ok, this is more about confirming what I think is true. I know that the metering mode doesn't make a difference to the RAW files when I'm shooting in manual because I'm setting ISO, ...
TRH's user avatar
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3 answers

Auto (or manual) renaming of various JPG files

Part 1. I have two camera sources. 1 Mobile which produces IMG_20180618_035708.jpg files 2.Panasonic Lx7 which outputs P1910846.jpg So, I would like to be able to bulk rename the P1910846.jpg to ...
pnesalop's user avatar
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Which JPG has better quality? And which Exif Byte Order is better?

I have two folders of "the same" JPG images that I made over 10 years ago, when I was a kid, but the size of photos in one folder is different than the other. The photos were made on my old ...
user14119170's user avatar
1 vote
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Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

I have a bunch of PNG and TIFF files—scans of old family photos and documents. I will keep them as archival masters, but for the purpose of online sharing I am creating JPEG's from these files. The ...
texnic's user avatar
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2 answers

propritery SANYO metadata

How does an old SANYO camera store proprietary metadata on JPG that are not part of the Exif section? Like if the photo has the correct date or if it was taken using the hand or smile detection or ...
Eridion Kiorai's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Two EXACTLY the same .jpg images with one image more than twice the file size of the other - Why? (PART 2)

So I have 2 JPEG files at 2000x2000 pixels, that I made out of Photoshop: ( File_1) I saved directly from an RGB TIFF with "save as" JPEG quality 9 -- ...
Toby's user avatar
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JPEG vs RAW - how big is the difference [duplicate]

I've read some of the questions and answers on here but they are all years old. (some of them over 10 years ago) In this day and age, is there still a significant difference in quality of the image ...
Capture Cars's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to recover and load XMP from exported JPEG in darktable?

I've lost a XMP file for the edit, which I very much like... Luckily, I've got the RAW for the photo and the exported JPEG for the edit. And, digiKam is showing a tab with XMP profile (for the JPEG of ...
kravemir's user avatar
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1 answer

Why has my tiff file converted to jpeg and shrunk to almost nothing [closed]

i recently had a photograph of my art taken by a photography studio and the file size was huge, over 100mb. Here are the details of that I then cropped the image myself so it could be used for ...
CD4765145242's user avatar
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Why is this jpg 0 bytes and websites often can't upload it? [closed]

I have a certain cellphone with a Gallery app that makes so-called 0 byte files. In fact the file you're looking at is one of them. So maybe somebody could tell me what's the matter with the format? ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can put 2 jpg images side by side in a new jpg without losing metadata or image quality?

I have lots of photos with writing on the back. I've scanned the fronts and backs into jpgs, and now I want to create a single jpg for each front/back pair. The front and back images should go side by ...
KnowItAllWannabe's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to distinguish a photo from camera and an image from Paint/Photoshop?

Is there a way to identify if an image (ex: .jpg) was taken with a camera (either from a phone or some other source) and not fabricated artificially with some tool like Paint or Photoshop? I give you ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

date in the picture can you check that the sotała has changed?

I would like to check if the date in the photo has been changed, if someone can do it.I can't find much on the internet about it.
Patrycja Stan's user avatar
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Does JPEG compression reduce actual image size?

In this article it says "Generally speaking, the algorithm behind this format makes some trade-offs to lower the image size." Just wanted to check that this is referring to image file size, ...
ACrypticFish's user avatar
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3 answers

Suspect photograph timestamp data has been altered

I received photographs over email from a client which I suspect were taken in 2022 but the client insists are from 2021. I looked at the metadata, filenames, and date modified timestamps to look for ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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3 answers

How to separate the RGB colour space to only N colours?

In a JPEG image, we may have thousands of distinct RGB values. What is the process called of translating these numerous RGB values to just N distinct colour names/values? (I'd like to know the name ...
boardrider's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Leica Q2M JPG files cannot be read by any of my Ubuntu (21.10) image software

I very recently picked up a Leica Q2M, and on my first attempt to read JPG files recorded on its storage media I've found that nothing on my Ubuntu 21.10 installation can read the files. I've tried <...
Pointy's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is jpeg or png the standard for fine art photography?

Is jpeg the predominant file format for fine art digital photographs, or what advantages would png have quality-wise that jpeg doesn't for photography, given that it takes up much more hard drive ...
user610620's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

RAW to JPG conversion with reasonable automation

I'm new to working with raw images, since the Lumix TZ101 is my first camera which can output raw image files, and I'm struggling to make good use of them. I'm quite satisfied when I'm manually ...
klamann's user avatar
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1 answer

Jpg thumbnail showing larger than the original picture

I recently downloaded a picture from LinkedIn, and something really weird happens with it. Let me just state before that I can't show you the author asked me don't show it. So, if I do "read ...
hmngwn's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is JPEG the only compressed image choice in most digital cameras? [duplicate]

I've been viewing, editing, and storing digital images since before digital cameras were common -- I've used GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and a few other now-obsolete formats. GIF has been mainly relegated ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Corrupted Date Taken

Some of my older images are showing Date Taken later than the actual date that the camera took the image. The EXIF data shows the correct Date Taken in the field APP12::PictureInfo\TimeDate\...
Steve Franks's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Does ETTR ( Exposing to the Right ) provide any benefit while shooting in JPG ? Or is it only beneficial when shooting RAW?

I generally only shoot RAW when shooting in tricky light situations. Otherwise i shoot JPEG . Should i be doing ETTR for the JPEG shooting as well ? Or is it only a technique that is useful when ...
silverrahul's user avatar
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1 answer

Image artefacts when exporting RAW to JPEG [duplicate]

I have a bunch of pictures in RAW format (.CR2) taken with a Canon EOS 1100D. When I view these files using Windows Photos app the images look great, however when exporting to JPEG using RawTherapee ...
Lukasz Kaleta's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Two EXACTLY the same .jpg images with one image more than twice the file size of the other - Why?

I have a number of .jpg images which are EXACTLY (dpi, frame size, image) the same - except one is more than double the file size (in bytes) of the other. How can this be? When I zoom in by say 700% ...
Ron Whitley's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

ExifTool does not extract corrupted EXIF metadata from jpeg file. How to repair it?

The image viewer nomacs offers a quick way to add image notes via Exif.Image.ImageDescription metadata. After having edited the form for ...
ramo's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the best format for pictures in order to have the most metadata?

Working with a smartphone, I've seen that JPEG shows a lot of information in the EXIF, where PNG not as much. However JPEG does some compression on the image which I'd like to avoid if not necessary ...
Samuel Dubuis's user avatar
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How to delete all metadata from all JPEG files in folder using ImageMagick? [duplicate]

I have many JPEG files in folder D:\folder. I want to delete all metadata from all JPEG files in this folder. I used ImageMagick. I made: ...
Konskoo's user avatar
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Photo noise level in RAW format [duplicate]

Why is the noise level of raw photos higher than jpeg photos? I have encountered this issue several times.
Merlin's user avatar
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Metadata: UserComment, ImageDescription, Description; what's their purpose?

Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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Suggestions for an easy way to add gps data to jpegs

I am looking for an easy way to add locate and add GPS data to JPG files on a Mac running OS Catalina. I would like the photo data to be able to be recognized in iPhone picture maps and location ...
Stumped's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a common subset of exif metadata tags for scanned photographs?

I've recently been scanning a collection of photographs into jpeg files. I know how to use tools such as exiftool to examine and change metadata tags. But while I'm ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the usefulness and best conversion software of TIFF file format for scanned slides

I will use an external provider to scan 1000+ old slides ("diapositives"), mostly family snapshots made a few decades ago. The provider offers by default standard definition jpg (512 x 340 ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
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Finding raw & jpeg files in my computer photos library

I have a Panasonic FZ1000 and took some photos on the raw & jpeg setting. On my computer the photos are identified as jpeg, but on my iPad they are identified as both. There is only one file ...
Jan's user avatar
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Capture one to export a progressive jpeg?

As far as I can tell, Capture One doesn't have the option to export an image as a progressive jpeg. To get a progressive image, I've been compressing once on export, and compressing again on the ...
zli's user avatar
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Can jpg be converted to progressive jpg without quality loss?

My understanding of a progressive jpg is that it saves the color information of each pixel in a different order, to create the progressive loading effect. I.e. instead of ...
zli's user avatar
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How will the image be displayed/interpreted if I publish a JPEG online with no embedded color profile?

How will the image be displayed/interpreted if I publish a JPEG online with no embedded color profile? I use GIMP 2.10 on Windows 10 Home 64-bit.
Konskoo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a way to delete all RAW files if a corresponding JPG file exists?

I'm starting the process of importing hundreds of thousands of photos into a new DAM system that my company purchased. There are 46,000 RAW files (mostly .cr2). We don't need the RAW files anymore. ...
user1074239's user avatar
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.jpg photos from the external SD card of Galaxy Grand Prime + display "It appears we don't support this file format" after transferring them to my PC

My Galaxy Grand Prime + phone was running out of space so I transferred all my WhatsApp media to my SD card. After some time (a few hours I think), many of these photos and videos became unviewable. I ...
a_sid's user avatar
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