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2 answers

Which JPG has better quality? And which Exif Byte Order is better?

I have two folders of "the same" JPG images that I made over 10 years ago, when I was a kid, but the size of photos in one folder is different than the other. The photos were made on my old ...
user14119170's user avatar
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1 answer

Why has my tiff file converted to jpeg and shrunk to almost nothing [closed]

i recently had a photograph of my art taken by a photography studio and the file size was huge, over 100mb. Here are the details of that I then cropped the image myself so it could be used for ...
CD4765145242's user avatar
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2 answers

Does JPEG compression reduce actual image size?

In this article it says "Generally speaking, the algorithm behind this format makes some trade-offs to lower the image size." Just wanted to check that this is referring to image file size, ...
ACrypticFish's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Two EXACTLY the same .jpg images with one image more than twice the file size of the other - Why?

I have a number of .jpg images which are EXACTLY (dpi, frame size, image) the same - except one is more than double the file size (in bytes) of the other. How can this be? When I zoom in by say 700% ...
Ron Whitley's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

What is the "optimal" file size of JPEG images with respect to their dimensions?

I plan to write a script that will scan 100,000+ JPEG images and re-compress them if they are "too big" in terms of file size. Scripting is the easy part, but I am not sure how to categorize an image ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to understand losses in jpg compression

I have a bunch of jpegs taken with a Nikon D3200 at 6016 x 4000. They weigh between 9M and 12M each. To try and reduce space a bit, I compressed copies with the default Windows utility, and the new ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

JPG and file sizes - BASIC facts for dummy

Am I losing quality of the pictures when the size of the file drops? My daughter is sending me some JPG pics to edit for her. The file sizes start around 11MB & 3264x4928. After I do some mild ...
LittleLex's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In Photoshop Elements, how much is image quality reduced if I re-save a previously saved "small" JPEG as a "large" JPEG?

Back story: I took a picture of a flower in RAW. Pulled it into ACR in PSE 12, moved it to the Photoshop Elements editor, made a few edits, then saved it as a "small" JPEG. When saving a pic in PSE, ...
markthomas's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is my Sony A57 creating low res JPGs?

I have used a Sony A57 since they became available. I always have the resolution set for 16M and FINE for JPEGs. I just took an important set of photos that were intended for large blow-ups. But ...
Sammy Peters's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I target a specific size in megabytes when saving a JPEG in Photoshop?

I need to save several files as 20mb jpgs. When I save an image in Photoshop CS5 at 20mb, then go to that saved file in my folder, it shows as a much smaller file. Is there a formula for hitting that ...
Marty Klein's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Where is a camera's preview image stored, when shooting in RAW?

When you take pictures in RAW, the camera stores a preview image (possibly jpeg) that it shown on the screen using white balance and other adjustments set in the camera. Where is this information ...
connersz's user avatar
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Is this file size adequate for jpeg images?

While my photos usually are ~ 150kb average, I find some to double that size under the same settings. Specially Black & White photos. Is this size normal, because of the amount of different tones ...
Damian's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why is there such a big difference with these JPG file sizes?

I have 2 nearly identical JPG images that have been processed externally, but one file is much larger (in file size) than the other. I have been looking at all the metadata and embedded information ...
Morgan T.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Why does simply saving a JPEG at 100% quality in Photoshop increase filesize?

If I take a picture taken with my EOS 60D, put it into Photoshop, edit it as I wish and save it as JPEG with maximum quality, the file goes from 5 to 12 mb in size. Obviously if I didn't increase the ...
sharkyenergy's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What image quality is lost when re-saving a JPEG image in MS Paint?

Has anyone ever noticed that if you open a image in mspaint (.jpg, .jpeg) and then just save it, the image size is reduced by many folds. I use this method to reduce the file size. However, I am not ...
Ankit's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do I convert/re-compress select photos in Lightroom in-place?

As my Lightroom catalog grows there are some photographs I would like to preserve, but where I don't need all the editing latitude offered by RAW. I know I can convert them to DNG, but are there ...
Henrik's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Photoshop show my JPEG files unusually large?

I recently opened a jpeg and a tiff of the same subject in Photoshop CS3. They both were made with a Nikon D300, and both had a file size of almost 35mb. If I checked the image info it said the jpeg ...
owen murphy's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to avoid jpeg compression artefacts when saving photos in web resolution?

When I save a web-resolution image (for example, 1920×1024px), flat areas tints often have damaged shades of color. I'm saving in Photoshop CS4 with quality 2 in standard mode, because I need the ...
Capsize's user avatar
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