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3 answers

How to distinguish a photo from camera and an image from Paint/Photoshop?

Is there a way to identify if an image (ex: .jpg) was taken with a camera (either from a phone or some other source) and not fabricated artificially with some tool like Paint or Photoshop? I give you ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is this weird JPEG TIFF hybrid image and how can I save it from PS as a normal JPEG?

I have this JPEG image saved out of PS using "Save As" and selecting "JPEG". It's abnormally large for it's WxH resolution Mac Preview's info shows it as an uncompressed TIFF Trying to save it out of ...
Sean256's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is editing metadata of a JPEG destructive to the image?

Is editing metadata of a JPEG destructive to the image? If I edit "File Info" > "Description" in Photoshop, then save.... am I causing the same image degradation as if I edited the image, then re save ...
tracyguilbeau's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Why does the histogram of an image depends on the software that opened it?

If I open a raw image in Photoshop and Paintshop pro their histograms and their look is different. However, if I open a Jpeg image in both Software, then their histogram and look is the same. What ...
MOON's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Quality of image changes drastically after saving as jpg (choosing max quality) from raw

Why does quality of my image changes drastically after editing it (and saving it as jpg with maximum quality ) in photoshop CC RAW. Everything looks great until I save the image. Comparison of the ...
Muhammad Ashar's user avatar
9 votes
9 answers

How to convert JPEG to RAW in Photoshop or similar?

I am having a competition in which I have to submit images in RAW format. But I have already clicked some images with Nikon D3200 in JPEG.Is there any way to convert JPEG to RAW format in Photoshop or ...
zackygaurav's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Why does raw to jpg conversion differ in different editors?

I just started using RAW files (to be more correct I set my camera to RAW+JPG). Then I opened the raw file in RawTherapee and without doing any changes I exported it in jpg next to the jpg file ...
darpet's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to save my album as JPEG on Kodak Digi Album Pro?

Objective: Save my album as JPEG on Kodak Digi Album Pro. I am using Kodak Digi Album pro and I'm new to this tool. This program generates a .PAB and .KPL file format, but I want my images to be ...
Vishruth's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I target a specific size in megabytes when saving a JPEG in Photoshop?

I need to save several files as 20mb jpgs. When I save an image in Photoshop CS5 at 20mb, then go to that saved file in my folder, it shows as a much smaller file. Is there a formula for hitting that ...
Marty Klein's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How does the usual jpeg 0-100 quality settings translate into Photoshop's 0-12 quality setting?

JPEG encoders usually use a quality setting of 0-100, whereas Adobe photo software uses a 0-12 setting. Does anyone know how to convert between these? (I am actually not clear on whether the 0-100 ...
John Robertson's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to remove 'Program Name: Adobe Photoshop' from the metadata?

I've tried all the solutions from here as well as from stackoverflow, the tool mentioned (ExifTool) won't remove the metadata. I'd like to remove all the Photoshop information from my jpeg, leaving ...
HelloDilly's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is this file size adequate for jpeg images?

While my photos usually are ~ 150kb average, I find some to double that size under the same settings. Specially Black & White photos. Is this size normal, because of the amount of different tones ...
Damian's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to preserve image quality when exporting psd file to jpeg?

my psd file is 9900px by 6600px and I want to export it to jpeg for a website. When I try to export it to jpeg with 72ppi and lower down pixel dimensions to about 1000px by 750px, the image comes out ...
S N's user avatar
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1 answer

Photoshop - JPEG Image Option - Difference in Quality [duplicate]

In Photoshop, while saving an image as JPEG, there is an Image Option called Quality. Increasing or decreasing the value, only increases or reduces the size of the JPEG file. If we try to zoom in ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why does simply saving a JPEG at 100% quality in Photoshop increase filesize?

If I take a picture taken with my EOS 60D, put it into Photoshop, edit it as I wish and save it as JPEG with maximum quality, the file goes from 5 to 12 mb in size. Obviously if I didn't increase the ...
sharkyenergy's user avatar
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2 answers

Saving as PDF with JPG compression vs saving it as JPG

I am creating a booklet with a hight resolutio (more than 4800 pixels height) and I am about to print it. My question is, what is better in terms of quality: Saving each page as a PDF with JPG ...
Steve's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to identify photoshop-edited files

If I have saved an image in JPG format after doing some edits, is there a way to identify that it is edited with Photoshop?
Harsha's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

What is a simple and effective method to sharpen for web output in Photoshop?

In Photoshop, I've got a master PSD image file with all mask and adjustment layer treatments, but no sharpening at all. I save for web and create a JPG at 1200px. Now, I bring that file back into ...
SAFX's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between the different ways to export JPEG files from Photoshop?

Photoshop allows you to save the processed image as JPEG in two ways. Save As and Save for web. I have observed that ...
Navaneeth K N's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are the differences of bringing RAW or JPEG into Photoshop?

Most of my images are in RAW format. When I bring an image into Photoshop, does it make a difference whether it's a JPEG or RAW? I understand the difference between JPEGs and RAW images. I'm just ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why does Photoshop show my JPEG files unusually large?

I recently opened a jpeg and a tiff of the same subject in Photoshop CS3. They both were made with a Nikon D300, and both had a file size of almost 35mb. If I checked the image info it said the jpeg ...
owen murphy's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Why does JPEG quality go up to twelve?

Wwhy does the JPEG quality option in Adobe products go up to twelve? Here's the option in the Save dialog of PS: Thats a whole new definition of it goes up to eleven.
Andres's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use the Photoshop CS raw editor for JPG files?

I would like to use the editor that opens in PS CS5 when you open a Raw file. I would like to use it on a jpeg file as I find it extremely useful to get the right colouring. Is it possible?
azz0r's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Get components stream Y,Cb and Cr in photoshop

Is there a way to get the component images corresponding Y, Cb, Cr in photoshop. I just need to combine them in layers to see how they form the original image.
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