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6 votes

Does taking pictures with my iPhone 8's camera meet the required specifications for designing a book cover?

All versions of the iPhone 8 have a 12 MP rearward facing camera with a 4:3 aspect ratio. That figures to about 3000 pixels x 4000 pixels in vertical (portrait) orientation. That's more than enough to ...
Michael C's user avatar
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5 votes

Does JPEG compression reduce actual image size?

Yes, and no :) I think the article is speaking about the image file size (in bytes), and not the image size itself (in pixels) which is indeed unchanged. But, to be accurate, one of the tradeoffs of ...
xenoid's user avatar
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5 votes

What does 2500 pixels on the long dimension mean?

Exactly. And Lightroom and some image editors will allow you to export an image with a desired value for the "long edge" (rather than for desired width or height). It keeps your resize operations much ...
Lowell Montgomery's user avatar
4 votes

What are the standard pixel, inches and megabyte sizes for fine art photography?

There is no single standardized file size, ppi, aspect ratio, nor physical dimension in the field of fine art photography. Works can range from square postage stamp sized pieces (or even smaller) to ...
Michael C's user avatar
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3 votes

Does resizing a photo larger or smaller destroy the image quality more?

I would argue the opposite: Enlarging a picture does not add any new information, but neither is anything discarded. If you view an enlarged picture from an equally increased distance, it should ...
ths's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make Identical Images Of the Same Dimensions and Pixel Density Have Similar size

You can't. Not with a lossless format like PNG. Image compression depends on the amount of information in an image, ie. the detail present. A square of a solid blue contains little information and ...
ths's user avatar
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3 votes

A 10GB tif image by NASA of the Moon. How do I resize/downscale it to use it?

Update: @StephenG accurately noted that for such a large image, IM (ImageMagick) convert may cause problems. The simple convert ...
calocedrus's user avatar
2 votes

How to save pictures for websites

You should nearly always resize the photos before uploading them to a web site. The web designer should be able to tell you what the optimal dimensions are. Use the option Save for web in Photoshop. ...
B. Martin's user avatar
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2 votes

Batch resize images to a particular ratio without cropping

You can do this with xnView or xnConvert. Both are free tools. For each batch conversion you can add multiple commands, resize the image to a certain size, fill with colour if needed, follow ...
roetnig's user avatar
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2 votes

What does 2500 pixels on the long dimension mean?

Yup, just make sure neither the width nor the height exceed 2500px for your picture.
Orch's user avatar
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2 votes

How to tile the same image repeatedly in Gimp?

With Gimp Computing sizes In the Gimp entry fields for numbers, you can enter simple formulas. So you don't need to compute 1200*3 manually on the side, you just ...
xenoid's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to determine if two photos are identical, ignoring relative differences in image sizes?

I am going to steal @osullic comment. If so, I have used VisiPics (on Windows) to do what you want. I have tested it a bit and it is doing a decent job. It is a really small application for ...
Rafael's user avatar
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1 vote

Does JPEG compression reduce actual image size?

I'm going to assume that when you said, "actual image size," you were talking about the number of pixels. The image you get by decoding a JPEG file always will have the same number of pixels ...
Solomon Slow's user avatar
1 vote

Does resizing a photo larger or smaller destroy the image quality more?

It is true that shrinking an image throws away information that you will never get back. But the story is more complicated than that. When you shrink an image, you make any anomalies in it smaller ...
Mark Ransom's user avatar
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How to tile the same image repeatedly in Gimp?

You can use the tile filter for this. While the image is open, go to Filters > Map > Tile. The image height/width is already shown. Just multiply either the ...
Saumya Kanta Swain's user avatar
1 vote

Does taking pictures with my iPhone 8's camera meet the required specifications for designing a book cover?

The only requirement for cover image is that your editor/publisher/cover designer like it. You should talk to them about expectations in terms of resolution, file format and such. Modern iPhones have ...
aaaaa says reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Does photo quality deteriorate when you scale the image size larger?

If you upscale the picture you don't get pixellation (unless you use the "None" interpolation (technically the "nearest neighbor")) you get something blurry. In modern Gimp (2.10) ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 22k
1 vote

Which program can crop and resize images in a specific aspect ratio?

PHP has the imagecrop and imagescale functions, so it should be trivial to cobble together a loop to process a batch of files.
ths's user avatar
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1 vote

Will resizing an image result in a good looking print?

It will not look good by definition. When increasing the resolution you are essentially trying to add information to the image where there is none. There are some AI assisted methods and smart ...
maltaannon's user avatar
1 vote

Convert large database of mixed-format files into screen size jpegs

I can't stop recommending IrfanView if you use windows. Just be careful with the options you choose, specially Overwriting and deleting files, make some tests with dummy files and folders before ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 25.4k
1 vote

Cropping vs. resizing: which is better/more acceptable?

What aspect ratio to use when cropping depends on how you will use the final image. If images will be viewed only on screen or projected, use the screen or projector aspect ratio. Newer screens are ...
xiota's user avatar
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