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19 votes

Why is 16:9 aspect ratio rarely used in professional photography?

I expect that this is mostly due to technical limitations. DatAperture wrote it very nicely on Reddit: Lenses project circular images. To get the most resolution out of a lens, you should use a ...
Orbit's user avatar
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Why is 16:9 aspect ratio rarely used in professional photography?

Adding on to @Orbit's answer regarding area of an inscribed rectangle in a circle, the following graph shows the area of 4:3, 3:2, and 16:9 aspect ratios. Area versus aspect ratio: square: 100% (...
qrk's user avatar
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11 votes

Why is 16:9 aspect ratio rarely used in professional photography?

The 35mm camera evolved into an image size that is 24mm x 36mm. This format was chosen by the German camera maker E. Leitz. One of his engineers, Oskar Barnack designed a 35mm still camera in 1913. At ...
Alan Marcus's user avatar
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4 votes

What values to use for A2 paper size in Microsoft gpd file?

The beauty of the A-paper size system (Wikipedia) is that for any of the A-sizes (A4, A3, etc.), the ratio of the long edge of the paper to the short edge is √2:1. Because of this particular ratio, ...
scottbb's user avatar
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What are the standard pixel, inches and megabyte sizes for fine art photography?

There is no single standardized file size, ppi, aspect ratio, nor physical dimension in the field of fine art photography. Works can range from square postage stamp sized pieces (or even smaller) to ...
Michael C's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is the A1 (paper) format 594×841 and not 594×840?

Let's take a look at the mathematics behind An paper sizing. The aspect ratio is r = w/h where ...
juhist's user avatar
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Why is 16:9 aspect ratio rarely used in professional photography?

One thing that I want to point out is the APS film format ( did use a native 16:9 aspect ratio. From what I understand about the system the other ...
The Movie Man's user avatar
3 votes

Why is 16:9 aspect ratio rarely used in professional photography?

Aspect ratio can be anything if you're making your own cameras and coating your own plates. But if you use equipment manufactured by others, you're limited to whatever is actually made and sold. ...
xiota's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are polaroids not square?

I agree with osullic's sentiment, "why should they be square?" Here are a few observations that may help you feel better about their not being perfectly square: There are no perfect squares....
xiota's user avatar
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What are Cabinet and HV formats?

Supported paper sizes are made available by the printer driver. You likely have a printer driver installed that supports photo papers. The HP website lists supported papers for the HP Deskjet D2600 ...
xiota's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is the A1 (paper) format 594×841 and not 594×840?

Because the standard is based on the square root of two — an irrational number — but each size is rounded to the nearest whole millimeter. The standard also allows for slight variation from the ...
mattdm's user avatar
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1 vote

Does photo quality deteriorate when you scale the image size larger?

If you upscale the picture you don't get pixellation (unless you use the "None" interpolation (technically the "nearest neighbor")) you get something blurry. In modern Gimp (2.10) ...
xenoid's user avatar
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What values to use for A2 paper size in Microsoft gpd file?

Well, if you divide the dimensions (in inches or cm or whatever) by the numbers from the software, you'll get the same value for each - e.g. 11.69 inches / 5346000 = 0.00000218668. If you then divide ...
twalberg's user avatar
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