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8 votes

How to batch edit a collection of raw files in Darktable?

A useful feature which I have only just found is the ability to copy and paste with short cut keys as shown here darktable manual. I've spent too long right - clicking all over the interface for a ...
dmkonlinux's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I batch crop based on face location?

Thanks to @Ryan's answer which I adapted 5 years ago, I automated most of my first desk job. It's now the open source package autocrop on PyPI, and can be used from your terminal, or through a Python ...
François Leblanc's user avatar
6 votes

Open Source way to batch reduce export quality?

For a batch process, nothing is better than ImageMagick. In a terminal: The very simple mogrify that overwrites the input file ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 22k
5 votes

How to batch edit a collection of raw files in Darktable?

I think another way of doing this in addition to Kyle's answer is the darktable command line interface. There two main options: ...
Erik's user avatar
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5 votes

Open Source way to batch reduce export quality?

You can use free (but not opensource) software as XnView. Batch convert give you the option to define quality level: Or you can use free and opensource ImageMagick by convert with set compression/...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
  • 12.5k
4 votes

How can I batch edit metadata?

Since you mention files coming from different devices, it would probably be useful to sort files into folders based on the device from which they came. ...
xiota's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to batch export all processed photos in Lightroom?

You can create a smart collection with a "Has adjustments" set to "true" rule. Then all of the processed photos will be in that collection and you will be able to export them at once.
dannemp's user avatar
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How to apply identical color curves to many pictures in GIMP?

For anyone else wanting to do this I figured it out. First I got the color curve I wanted, and clicked the plus to "Save the current settings as named preset" Then next to the plus I pressed Manage ...
John Cunningham's user avatar
4 votes

How to insert a pause in Photoshop batch process?

You can insert a "Stop" action anywhere you want. It doesn't actually stop the batch, but pauses it. See the section "Insert a stop" at Creating actions in Adobe's Photoshop User ...
ths's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I convert RAW files with proper distortion correction from the command-line?

I think you might be best served by being patient — you say that the Lensfun database is old, but it's actually a current, ongoing project, with (as of this writing, of course) new lens information ...
mattdm's user avatar
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Is there a tool to compare image EXIF data across folders, so I can eliminate duplicates?

Yes, there is, but you will need to be comfortable with the command line to do it. It will work best if you are in a unix/posix environment. This is available for Windows as an add-on using cygwin. ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
3 votes

Best program to batch compress JPGs with minimal loss?

If you are not afraid of using the command line, ImageMagick is the tool you need. It is the state of the art of image processing and it is widely recognized as THE software for image processing. In ...
Maxiride's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best way to auto crop bulk images?

I made a free tool that does this, it automatically detects photos against the scanner bed whitespace. You can make multiple crops on each photo, with no compression. Currently you can upload 3 images ...
tmb5cg's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes

How to make a JPG files DCF compatible? (command line)

Finally, with lots of help on the Internet, including the suggestion by @StarGeek, I got it to work. The required tools are: ExifTool ImageMagick You also need a photo taken with the camera, here: <...
feklee's user avatar
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3 votes

Bulk auto NEF → TIFF in RawTherapee?

The short answer is no, at least not entirely. But Nikons free NX Studio software will do it quite easily. AFAIK, it is the only software that recognizes and applies every jpeg camera setting to the ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
2 votes

What is the best way to auto crop bulk images?

Scanning books or their dust jackets? I imagine the scanner lid won't close properly with a book under it, in most types of scanners. One option: Photograph the books with a DSLR or other digital ...
MacEater's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I easily convert a large number of pictures from RAW to scaled down JPG?

On OSX, there is a fast, free and easy option. Go into terminal and navigate to the folder containing your RAW photos. For Nikon NEF images, run this command: ...
Shane Kenyon's user avatar
2 votes

How to delete JPG files, but only if the matching RAW file exists?

I like the bash script for OS X (by T.Toivonen), but I have noticed there are a few issues. It did not like my directory names, which contain spaces. That required a bit different handling of the ...
Filip Wolak's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a tool to check the file integrity of a series of images?

I developed check_media_integrity a simple python script, you can download it from GitHub: I quote ...
Fabiano Tarlao's user avatar
2 votes

How can I batch crop based on face location?

In Adobe Photoshop, you can use this plugin from Exchange: or:
Plugzter's user avatar
2 votes

Reducing a Multi Image Scan to separate tiff's lossless - photoshop

I think you're making this way too complicated. Just make four copies of each scanned TIFF in the operating system (you could write a shell script or batch file to do this for you), and then just open ...
inkista's user avatar
  • 53k
2 votes

Batch resize images to a particular ratio without cropping

You can do this with xnView or xnConvert. Both are free tools. For each batch conversion you can add multiple commands, resize the image to a certain size, fill with colour if needed, follow ...
roetnig's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a Windows program to edit photo time stamp in batch like in Google Photos?

You could try the (free) PyExifToolGUI which is a actually a frontend for the command line tool ExifTool. I don't know if the Windows installer needs you to install ExitTool (and several Python ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes

Photoshop "image processor" using files of the same name but in different folders?

Apparently I had accidentally recorded over the action I was trying to use and had it set to close the current file and then open another file, which caused this.
Earlz's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I apply auto-levels to a series of photographs, with each photo considered separately?

You can use ImageMagick with the auto-level or level flags. ...
xiota's user avatar
  • 27.1k
2 votes

How to change Date Taken based in file name?

If you're asking how to do this remotely on images stored by Google Photos, there is currently no way to do so. There are other questions and answers addressing how to do this on images located on ...
xiota's user avatar
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2 votes

Using Darktable, how to batch convert from RAW to another supported format

After some exploration, it is actually quite straight-forward. The process can be adapted for your own conversion requirements, but I wanted 8-bit TIFF - the reason why is irrelevant. Open up '...
Fiddy Bux's user avatar
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2 votes

Queuing panorama rendering on Lightroom

Unfortunately you are not alone with this problem. You can check here and here about discussions/requests for such option. What you can try is to activate graphical processor to help with rendering ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes

How to batch process RAW files for timelapse photography? (preferably with Python)

This is the sort of thing I've been doing with a set of Python components I've developed which I call "Pyctools". It's all a bit experimental and definitely not user friendly - I wrote it for my own ...
Jim Easterbrook's user avatar
2 votes

Image Magick - altering colour levels automatically

I actually found this a few days later and forgot to answer my question. Assuming you're running from a .bat file: ...
bunnielovekins's user avatar

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