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18 votes

Does converting image file formats affect quality?

Going from JPG (which is a lossy format) to any lossless one (like PNG) does not. Going from any format to a lossy one, yes, including JPG to JPG. It could be too little to notice, and using the same ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 25.4k
11 votes

Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG?

There is no data loss from simply opening them, only by changing them & re-saving. Any data already lost can never be recovered. Simply converting now to a lossless format will not change the ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
9 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

I think your understanding is incorrect. Converting a JPEG to PNG doesn't magically aid in quality preservation as you edit an image. Essentially, when an image is opened in an editor, the filetype ...
osullic's user avatar
  • 12.6k
9 votes

Is it not ideal to save image as PNG for printing?

Yes, PNG is theoretically better than JPEG in preserving the ultimate image quality, but in practice this is the kind of exactness we don't really see, especially in print, where the physical ...
szulat's user avatar
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7 votes

Printing digital photos: why do (most it seems) print shops only handle PDF not raster formats like PNG?

If you are asking about "print shops" in the sense of printing brochures, and other primary text-based material, then yes, I can understand that they only accept PDF: they want the most precise layout ...
remco's user avatar
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5 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

If you want manufacturer-quality editing, filters/LUTs etc, use the manufacturer's software. If you want to edit further after that, use 16-bit TIFF. Only ever go to 8-bit at final export. Yes, this ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
5 votes

Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG?

I recently have become concerned about the fact that I read there is progressive loss every time they are opened. Opening an image without editing and resaving does not alter it. However, xenoid ...
xiota's user avatar
  • 27.1k
4 votes

Is it not ideal to save image as PNG for printing?

Avoid PNG-8 for photo images (it is for graphics with few colors), but PNG-24 is very good choice for photo images. Better than JPG for quality, but will be a much larger file than JPG. PNG always ...
WayneF's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes

Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG?

For digital preservation, I find the following optimal: Shoot RAW + JPEG. Store both files. RAW is as close as possible to what the sensor sees. Even PNG has some losses, including losses from ...
juhist's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make Identical Images Of the Same Dimensions and Pixel Density Have Similar size

You can't. Not with a lossless format like PNG. Image compression depends on the amount of information in an image, ie. the detail present. A square of a solid blue contains little information and ...
ths's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it not ideal to save image as PNG for printing?

You cannot just export a raw to TIFF, PNG or JPEG, you'll have to do some treatments, for a number of reasons. But you seem more interested in the differences between the different file formats. I'd ...
remco's user avatar
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3 votes

Ways to edit metadata of a PNG file?

ExifTool can edit PNG metadata. You can find the list of the supported tags here. Exiftool is a free command line tool, but there are GUI tools (listed on the ExifTool website) using the ExifTool ...
asalamon74's user avatar
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3 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

Not sure if you considered it but each major camera manufacturer has their own raw file developing software which should produce same image as in-camera JPEG (you might check it yourself using raw+...
Euri Pinhollow's user avatar
2 votes

Ways to edit metadata of a PNG file?

The new-ish default Windows 10 photo viewer ("Photos") lets you edit PNG metadata now: "..." menu (top right) "File info" Can change the name or Date Taken fields there ...
DanDoes's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Exif tag for png files that will be recognized by google photos as date taken

Here in 2022 I am not seeing the accepted answer (from @StarGeek) work anymore. However, after some experimentation I found what did cause it to work. When I modify the ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Exif tag for png files that will be recognized by google photos as date taken

In my experience, I write AllDates and CreationTime to png, with no luck. ...
icycandy's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Exif tag for png files that will be recognized by google photos as date taken

PNG metadata is poorly supported by most software, but it looks like in this case, Google has started supporting EXIF data in PNG, which it did not in my previous tests. If you write to the ...
StarGeek's user avatar
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2 votes

Printing digital photos: why do (most it seems) print shops only handle PDF not raster formats like PNG?

Note that there is a subtle difference between printing a PDF and submitting a graphics file to a printer (presumably from a computer of some sort, like a PC or a smartphone). A PDF is a ...
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen's user avatar
2 votes

What's the best format for pictures in order to have the most metadata?

One very good option is to use TIFF format as it support EXIF, IPTC. Also you can store the images in uncompressed, lossless compressed, lossy compressed form. You can have multipage files. As benefit ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes

Is jpeg or png the standard for fine art photography?

Partial answer i suppose: If its an art image, why even consider compromising? In this case neither are suitable. For these formats it is all compromise and negatively impacting factors rather than ...
blobbymcblobby's user avatar
2 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

To add to the other answers; if you want your edits to be "lossless" you should convert the file to a 16bit tiff and edit it in C1 using layers and layer masks; keeping the original file/...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
1 vote

Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

Let me divide this into several parts. 1. JPG JPG is a standardized file format. It has a clear specification. So what I mean, is that there is not much under the hood that "specialized" ...
Rafael's user avatar
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1 vote

Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

Cropping is your stumbling block. There's already a question here covering that, though - Automatic & intelligent crop 1,000 images. Preview doesn't do profile conversion at all, which is OK if ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
1 vote

Is jpeg or png the standard for fine art photography?

Hard drive space is not important if other elements are needed (quality or editing). On a professional workflow (editorial design, printing in general) you often have several copies on different ...
Rafael's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does a 16 bit depth photograph export as 48 bit depth?

Because the images are colour so they have 16 bits channel for red, 16 bits for green and 16 bits for blue. 16+16+16=48 About selling: first you should check the ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
  • 12.5k
1 vote

What's the best format for pictures in order to have the most metadata?

Post camera processing can cram in as much additional meta data as desired, so I assume you are interested in what the camera produces directly. In general, RAW is going to have everything the camera ...
user10216038's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I infer parameters such as distance from metadata?

Since you know the size of the aruco markers, the focal length of the lens, and the sensor size (or the effective focal length in 35mm terms), you could use the recorded size of the markers w/in the ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
1 vote

How can I infer parameters such as distance from metadata?

Some cameras record the focusing distance. But given the wide DoF of smartphone cameras I doubt this has any usable accuracy (assuming they focus at all). For exposure, some cameras (my DSLR) output ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 22k
1 vote

Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG?

Lots of long answers here. Should I convert my family pictures from JPEG to PNG? NO! but I recently have become concerned about the fact that I read there is progressive loss every time they ...
le3th4x0rbot's user avatar
1 vote

Printing digital photos: why do (most it seems) print shops only handle PDF not raster formats like PNG?

Most likely they simply don't want to bother. There is really nothing special they have to do to print the contents of a PDF file. In contrast, there are choices to be made when printing a image to ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
  • 17.5k

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