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18 votes

What is this medium format military rangefinder camera?

It is a 70mm Graflex KE-4 “Combat Graphic” made from 1953-1957. Graflex KE-4 Combat Graphic
Mike Sowsun's user avatar
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17 votes

Can anyone identify this Twin-Lens Reflex 1940(ish) camera?

It appears to be a Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex I (850/16). Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex I (850/16), by Alf Sigaro. Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0 The key details that seem to match are: rectangular silver trim around ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 33.3k
13 votes

What camera did Ed White use during the first space walk?

I was the one who prepared the camera for this mission, It was a Zeiss-Ikon Contarex Special; everybody could buy this model. Because the Astronaut was wearing a bulky helmet, he could not get his ...
Erwin Störrle's user avatar
9 votes

What is this weird BLUETECH camera?

It appears to be a generic/rebranded version of a DigiGR8 100k keychain camera/webcam. It also appears on ebay at a surprising prices considering the underwhelming performance of the camera. A few ...
Sandor Dosa's user avatar
7 votes

What is this folding camera with pronounced angular or beveled corners?

This is a Linhof Super Technika IV 6×9. (Usage rights of photos at do not allow reuse of images, so I can't upload an image here).
scottbb's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the white camera in Thelma And Louise '91?

It's a Polaroid type 600 box camera Specifically, it's the Polaroid Cool Cam. This model was not actually white, but grey with pink front plates and a pink strap. Although the pink front isn't ...
timvrhn's user avatar
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4 votes

What is this compact 35mm camera from the 1990s?

It looks to be one of the Hanimex Vision series of cameras, possibly a Vision III. Hanimex was a company that imported cameras to Australia and New Zealand. They were founded shortly after WWII and ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
3 votes

What camera and lenses are shown in The Office (US) season 2 episode 21?

There are at least two different camera bodies in your sequence of scenes. The one(s) in the first and last parts seem(s) to be an EOS 20D. There are enough noticeable differences to eliminate the ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
2 votes

What camera and lenses are shown in The Office (US) season 2 episode 21?

The power button and rear wheel looks iconically Canon but the pop up flash means this isn’t a pro body, ruling out the 5D. It looks to me like the prosumer range, XXD (20D/30D If this was 2006). The ...
OnBreak.'s user avatar
  • 20.5k
2 votes

Difference between 2 GoPro Hero Cameras

The first camera is the GoPro HD Hero (2009). It physically looks identical to the GoPro Hero 960 (2010), but it can capture 1080p and had a higher MSRP. The second camera could be a Hero 3 (2012), 3+...
dpollitt's user avatar
  • 46.6k
2 votes

Identifying a camera by video footage

You can start by checking the files EXIF / XMP metadata. In windows, right click> properties for example.
dpollitt's user avatar
  • 46.6k
1 vote

What is this weird BLUETECH camera?

TL;DR: Just a visual addition, as this was already answered: Just a collection of images that are related, in terms of packaging and likely source. Seems a very common cheap product in the early ...
blobbymcblobby's user avatar
1 vote

Which camera is used in "Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures" by the interviewers?

I'm sure Robert used a polaroid SX70,and Hasselblad. But like most experimental photographers he did also use Mamiya and Rolleiflex twin reflex cameras. He tried these for sharp yet soft imagery. ...
user76545's user avatar

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