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Questions tagged [jpeg]

JPEG is an adjustable "lossy" compression method commonly used in digital photograph. The most common filename extensions for images using the JPEG format are .jpg and .jpeg. Compare to alternative image formats such as TIFF and the various RAW formats.

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4 votes
2 answers

Why does Photoshop show my JPEG files unusually large?

I recently opened a jpeg and a tiff of the same subject in Photoshop CS3. They both were made with a Nikon D300, and both had a file size of almost 35mb. If I checked the image info it said the jpeg ...
owen murphy's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a one-click technique to create a "better" JPEG from RAW than the in-camera JPEG?

When looking around at HDR and Tone Mapping, and looking at the examples on the Photomatix homepage, I see examples that read: Result after applying the Tone Mapping tool (Original RAW file ...
Martin's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What tool produces better quality jpeg: Lightroom or Imagemagick?

I'm using Lightroom for photo workflow. At the end of it, I would like to have the best JPEG I can get, basically two options to choose from: - export from Lightroom to JPEG, using the 100% Lightroom ...
István's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to reduce the effect of bright day light in the photographs?

This photograph was taken at around 9:30 AM. The sunlight was bright. I can't shoot in raw. I have adjusted the brightness and the contrast by which at least the tree is appearing brighter. Look at ...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What settings should be kept in mind while shooting a jpeg photo in order for it to be edited later on?

Canon PowerShot SX210 IS doesn't support RAW format, so I don't have a choice w.r.t shooting in Jpeg format. Do we have some special camera settings that we shouldn't touch or should set in some ...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Does Flickr recompress JPEGs after upload?

Does Flickr recompress JPEGs after upload? I know that if you upload a TIFF, for example, Flickr converts it to JPEG. But do they also compress incoming JPEGs? I've read some complaints about the ...
jaxxon's user avatar
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62 votes
1 answer

Are "Windows Photo Viewer" rotations lossless?

Can I rotate lossily compressed photos that I view in Windows Photo Viewer without worrying about losing even more information to compression?
user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Why don't cameras support JPEG 2000 format?

The original JPEG format was updated in 2000 to provide a variety of features including less artifacts, better compression and lossless compression. Why haven't cameras updated to use this new format?...
Mike Bryant's user avatar
62 votes
7 answers

Why don't most cameras support PNG format?

I prefer PNG format to JPG, because JPG uses lossy compression. When I capture a screen in my PC or scan a picture or document in my scanner, I always save them as PNG format. If a camera could ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Why does JPEG quality go up to twelve?

Wwhy does the JPEG quality option in Adobe products go up to twelve? Here's the option in the Save dialog of PS: Thats a whole new definition of it goes up to eleven.
Andres's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Should I convert RAW to jpeg before making an HDR?

I've been going back and forth with this. I've been looking more into working with some HDR to just get a feel for the process. I have a 500D and I'm using exposure bracketing to take 3 shots. 0, -2, ...
Jeremy B.'s user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Does the dpi number reported by camera in JPG have any meaning?

I have two cameras, a 6mpix Panasonic FZ8, and 14mpix Canon A2200. When I compare shots from two cameras, one of differences I notice is dpi number that camera reports in JPG info: FZ8 reports dpi=...
Andrei's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Should I use JPG or TIFF for high-quality prints?

I am putting together a photo book. I shot all the photos in RAW. The prints will be 300pi on 13x11 inch glossy paper. I am laying out the pages in InDesign, which doesn't allow me to import and place ...
bperdue's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I export JPEGs from Lightroom without the grey/black box around each picture?

How do I export JPEGs from Lightroom without the grey/black box around each picture? This is really frustrating me. I know there has to be a way to do this.
user avatar
35 votes
15 answers

Why store both JPEG and raw?

DSLRs often have the ability to store both a JPEG and a raw file. Given that the primary benefit of in-camera JPEG over raw is the smaller filesize, and that JPEG+raw is going to store even more data ...
Evan Krall's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Do jpgs have "layers"?

I have jpg photos with frames put on them which a friend made for me. I noticed when I open the jpgs though, that the image loads first and then the frame loads on top of it (that is, I can see the ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use the Photoshop CS raw editor for JPG files?

I would like to use the editor that opens in PS CS5 when you open a Raw file. I would like to use it on a jpeg file as I find it extremely useful to get the right colouring. Is it possible?
azz0r's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Get components stream Y,Cb and Cr in photoshop

Is there a way to get the component images corresponding Y, Cb, Cr in photoshop. I just need to combine them in layers to see how they form the original image.
user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How is the YCbCr color space represented in a JPEG image?

I know that a 24 bit image dedicates 8 bit each for R, G and B. Is it just for RGB color space. In YCbCr color space for a 24 bit JPEG image, how are the bits distributed?
user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is sips lossless when used for JPEG rotation?

I am organizing a group of old images on OS X. Many are JPEG and predate the EXIF tag for camera rotation. Of course, many tools degrade the image (Question '10') if you edit the image. It is possible ...
drewk's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

Why can I adjust the white balance of a RAW file but not a JPEG file?

I recently started setting my DSLR to save RAW files, and using Adobe Lightroom to process them. I still, however, use my little point and shoot camera a lot which does not have an option to save RAW ...
Eric's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to avoid jpeg compression artefacts when saving photos in web resolution?

When I save a web-resolution image (for example, 1920×1024px), flat areas tints often have damaged shades of color. I'm saving in Photoshop CS4 with quality 2 in standard mode, because I need the ...
Capsize's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I combine RAW & JPEG after import in Aperture?

I'm trying out Aperture; I have a hefty collection of photos in iPhoto, and for a few reasons, it's not cutting it for me anymore. I recently started shooting RAW+JPEG on my camera. I see that ...
ieure's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?

I'm new to working with RAW images, and I'm capturing simultaneous RAW+JPGs with my new Lumix LX5, and using Bibble to view/process the results. I'm very surprised that the RAW images taken at 24mm ...
Roddy's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a middle ground format between RAW and JPG?

JPG files use 8 bits per color per pixel (I've never heard of any camera that uses the alleged 12-bit-per-color-per-pixel extension) and is a compact way of storing images. RAW files are huge but ...
Jason S's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Fix photo timestamps?

I took a bunch of pictures, and when I loaded them onto my PC, I discovered the time on my camera was set incorrectly. Now this normally wouldn't be a problem...but I am combining pictures from ...
davr's user avatar
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17 votes
11 answers

Can in-camera JPEG have image quality advantages over (third party software) converted RAW?

Question about RAW advantages over JPG made me curious if somebody has examples where in-camera JPEG is actually image quality-wise better than RAW image converted in computer (possibly by third party ...
Karel's user avatar
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310 votes
16 answers

Good examples of RAW's advantages over JPEG?

I'm curious to see some real examples of where simply capturing the same photo in RAW (and being processed by someone who can do it justice) has significantly improved the photo at the end of the ...
Nick Bedford's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Best way to import and save when shooting in both RAW and JPEG?

I currently use Picasa to manage my photos and when I import my photos I see "doubles" because I'm shooting in both RAW and JPEG. I'm currently moving my raw photos manually to a folder outside of ...
mga911's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How does Picasa process RAW photos?

How does Picasa decide how to process RAW photos? When I shoot in RAW+JPEG the two pictures can look dramatically different. Is it just converting the RAW files upon import, or is post-processing ...
JoeGaggler's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

What were the optimal JPEG settings for Facebook photos in 2010/2011? [closed]

Every time I upload a photo to facebook I'm disappointed; the photos just look really bad. What size do you recommend, dpi, etc? If it helps, I'm using lightroom.
Rismo's user avatar
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45 votes
14 answers

What are the pros and cons when shooting in RAW vs JPEG?

In general shooting in RAW format uses a lot more file storage than JPEG. What am I gaining when shooting RAW? Besides file size are there any downsides to shooting RAW?
jessegavin's user avatar
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