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Questions tagged [image-stitching]

Image stitching or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to image stitching require nearly exact overlaps between images and identical exposures to produce seamless results. Some digital cameras can stitch their photos internally.

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How to create a continuous image of passing landscape from moving vehicle? slit-scan perhaps?

I want to affix a camera to my bike or car, perpendicular to my direction of travel, and produce one long image of the landscape as I pass. I think a slitscan or linescan process is needed. How would ...
user127803's user avatar
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Recombining scans of film negatives accidentally cut in half in the lab

I'm currently digitizing analog film and sometimes the lab technician did a poor job cutting the film negative in strips. This means that sometimes I end up with a frame split across 2 film strips. ...
ShutterFreak's user avatar
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Why does Hugin stitch two pictures the wrong way with big steps?

When trying to stitch a picture of a car out of two photos, I always get a wrong stitch with well-visible "steps", especially on the left rear lights: I've tried fiddling around with the ...
Neppomuk's user avatar
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Stitching a series of images leads to artifacts on bright conditions

I am having a huge series of images, where each shot consists of two photos: 001_left.jpeg & 001_right.jpeg ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
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Image Stitching with large Parallax

I need to stitch images of 5 cameras together. The cameras are mounted on the sides of an underwater remote operated vehicle. It's basicly a cupoid with sizes of 2.1m x 1.3m x 1.85m. The cameras are ...
Grimkin's user avatar
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PanoTools Scripting

I have a series of microscope images that I'm trying to stitch together. In all cases the images are made by horizontally shifting the stage. Autostitch does an absolutely wonderful job. ...
agf1997's user avatar
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3 answers

Zomei z669 for panoramic stitching

I would like to take wide pictures however I have only a 18mm lens. I thought instead of spending lots of money on a wide-angle lens, just to stitch into panorama with Lr/Ps afterwards. I thought to ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Reason for slanting in an arc on the far left and right when panning on a tripod?

I use a full-frame camera with a ball head (with panning base) on a tripod, to take multiple shots (e.g. 6 positions from left to right) to stitch into a panoramic photo. Typically, I'm shooting at ...
stackonfire's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does merging JPEGs to panorama in Photoshop increase file size by 100x?

When I merge 5 photos which are 5 MB JPGs into a panorama by choosing "Merge to panorama in Photoshop" from Lightroom, and save the resulting image as a .TIF, the file size becomes 650MB! Then, when I ...
greenberet123's user avatar
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Easy workflow to stack several frame from a steady video with a moving subject

There are plenty of samples of what I want to do: a moving subject in front of a steady camera, and a single final picture showing the "action" with the subject in several positions in front of the ...
unlikely's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can I display a very high resolution panorama online?

I recently created a very high resolution panorama from 20x stitched images. I want to be able to share the image online so that people can explore the detail. Gigapan used to be able to do this but ...
Digital Lightcraft's user avatar
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Can I stitch and blend bracketed panoramas using Hugin, as opposed to PTGui (as shown in linked video)?

ADPPro's YouTube video How To Stitch and Blend Bracketed Panoramas shows how to reuse the setting from one set of images having a normal exposure and apply the exact same transformation on the second ...
Yves Gauvreau's user avatar
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Exposure compensation after images are taken

I have a stack of image tiles (taken from a drone) that I want to mosaic to a single image. I want to do exposure compensation to reduce the variation in illumination between the image tiles before ...
Landini135's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is Photoshop's Photomerge stitch having problems correcting exposure on huge amount of photos?

I have a problem. See photo 1 (with all stitched) and photo 2 with only top left. You see in the smaller it's OK. In the bigger it didn't correct any small difference in exposure (due to sun going ...
Hasse Wiersma's user avatar
17 votes
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Stitching multiple suns together

I'm working on stitching together a midnight sun picture, where the sun is photographed every hour for 24 hours, so you get a 360 degree picture showing the sun's path through the sky. I'm using ...
Magnar Myrtveit's user avatar
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image compositing to remove telephone wires?

There's a lot of compositing software available. Is there any that can remove telephone wires from a still image? The idea is to shoot still images the same scene from several different vertical ...
O. Jones's user avatar
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Stitching multiple camera panoramas

I have 4 identical cameras orientated on a tripod covering a 180 degree vertical field of view. The setup revolves using a motor and I want to create a 360 degree panorama. Vertically, there is very ...
Thomas1982's user avatar
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How to position separate parts of panorama in spherical coordinates in AutoPano?

Autopano was unable to stitch few parts of my panorama. So, I am to fix them manually, but failing. My panorama consists of two pars, which were connected by AutoPano automatically, but it was ...
Dims's user avatar
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How to prevent AutoPano from splitting my panorama?

I was trying to stitch 8 images and got the following picture: I.e., AutoPano decided picutres are not connected. How do I force AutoPano to connect them? UPDATE I have found the following setting:...
Dims's user avatar
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How to prevent this exposure/tonal shift when stitiching an HDR panorama in Photoshop?

I'm trying to create an HDR panorama. I have 8 photos with 3 exposures each (-1, 0, +1 EV). For each one, I used PS's merge to HDR functionality and chose 32 bit. I have 8 files A, B, ...H.psd that ...
null's user avatar
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How do I find the focal length when stitching images made with an unknown lens in Hugin?

I tried to stitch some images from appollo 16 to a panorama. The problem is that I do not know the focal length of the lens. Is there a way to circumvent this?
flawr's user avatar
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How to fix wavy horizon in panoramas, ideally in LR? [duplicate]

I've been doing a number of panoramas of a flat barren landscapes lately, but I have been running into issues with a wavy horizon. I can remedy this to a certain degree in Photoshop with cloning but ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
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Stitch BublCam photos

I have to stitch and HDR a lot of photos taken using the Bublcam camera. These photos contains the 4 fisheyes captures in a multiplex format. The lenses can't be moved on the camera and they will ...
DrHaze's user avatar
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Night Sky SuperResolution (instead of star trails) - possible?

I don't know if this is possible, or runs into fundamental limits of sensors and photo sharpness. I want to "pretend" that I have a fancy night sky motorized rig - through software. Take a few ...
Benjamin H's user avatar
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Super-resolution photos by interactive focus stacking and image stitching?

When photographing highly detailed static scenes, for example a 4 metre by 2 metre whiteboard covered in handwritten post-its after a process design meeting, my phone camera (Nexus 5 in raw using the ...
James Leifer's user avatar
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How to match colors on photographs stitched together?

I wish to create a high resolution picture of two paintings, each in three parts for printing in a book, each across two pages that each measure around 12.5"x10". One painting is a triptych of three ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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How does a stitched panorama compare with a wide-angle lens?

I wish to take wide-angle shots (e.g. of a large building or the inside of a small room) but don't have a wide-angle lens. What differences will I get if I shoot the scene with a narrow-angle lens (...
Gnubie's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the meaning of the distance parameter for line control points?

After fine-tuning control points in Hugin, the distance parameter indicates the correlation of two control points in different images, and is a value between 0 and 1. However, line control points (...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Controlled X Y Gantry - Systematic Photos to be stitched / tiled

I'm working on a photography project at the moment for university where I have built an X Y gantry system which moves a camera along inside a box and takes dozens of photos. This is a very controlled ...
Colin's user avatar
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How can I correct AutoPano's stitching?

I have a panorama that is stitched just fine by AutoPano up until it reaches a certain size. If I use only the 4 left-most pictures, I get this panorama: If I add another picture to the right, i.e. ...
barbaz's user avatar
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Multi-Image Meshing: Image Stitching an Array

I've got a large 1 meter by 2 meter pattern printout for a garment. I'm not able to capture fine detail with a single shot, namely the sensor on my camera captures poor detail at distances past a ...
Trancot's user avatar
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How to "scan" oversized documents with DSLR?

I tried a variety of search terms and came up empty, so here we go! I want to digitize a collection of maps. All I have at home is a dinky A4 scanner. There are no oversize scanners to be found in my ...
Drew's user avatar
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How can we apply one set of control points for stitching together a panorama to a set of different images with the same camera arrangement?

We are two high school students working on sending a high altitude balloon to 35 km altitude in order to capture panoramic video of Earth. We are exploring the option of using Hugin to stitch our ...
XYZ791's user avatar
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7 answers

Do you still need an ultra wide angle if you can now stitch images?

Given that some software nowadays is so powerful you can easily stitch images together for a really wide view (either with panorama mode on camera or something like photoshop), is there still a point ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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What do you call the technique for removing uninteresting parts of photo by combining two images?

I'm looking for the name of a technique to cut out an "uninteresting" part of a photograph. The example I'm thinking of is of a guy on the left of a photograph and a tower on the right. The middle ...
pedribe's user avatar
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Is there free software to automatically search for photographs that can be stitched together to form a panorama?

I'm looking for a free solution to automatically detect photographs that can be stitched together. A paid-for solution already exists - naturally, I wonder if there is any open-source or freeware ...
CaptainProg's user avatar
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Where should I position two cameras in order to compose a single stitched image?

I have a setup of two static cameras that film a sport court. One camera for the left side, and the other for the right side. In order to recompose the image of the full court, the cameras must be as ...
Jav's user avatar
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How do I stitch two star trails photos taken by different cameras?

Last night I took some star trails photos. I set the shutter speed to 30", put the camera in burst mode and used my remote shutter release (with shutter button lock) to hold down the shutter button. I ...
Justin's user avatar
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Equalize exposure levels of a set of images in a stitched panorama

I've taken a set of pictures for a panorama. Unfortunately, I've forgotten to set the flash to manual exposure, hence I ended up with uneven exposure levels in the images. When I stitch them together,...
Thomas Tempelmann's user avatar
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How do I deal with these errors when using the Hugin command line tools?

I am trying to stitch images through command line of Hugin as outlined here: I did the first step to create ...
koder's user avatar
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9 answers

How can I stitch a panorama correctly if I moved the camera along the horizontal axis?

Here in Argentina, we have a very fancy street called "Lanin". All the houses and walls on that street have some kind of mosaic stuck to it, and it's very cool. It was made by a local artist who lives ...
Andres's user avatar
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