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2 answers

Why does merging JPEGs to panorama in Photoshop increase file size by 100x?

When I merge 5 photos which are 5 MB JPGs into a panorama by choosing "Merge to panorama in Photoshop" from Lightroom, and save the resulting image as a .TIF, the file size becomes 650MB! Then, when I ...
greenberet123's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is Photoshop's Photomerge stitch having problems correcting exposure on huge amount of photos?

I have a problem. See photo 1 (with all stitched) and photo 2 with only top left. You see in the smaller it's OK. In the bigger it didn't correct any small difference in exposure (due to sun going ...
Hasse Wiersma's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Stitching multiple suns together

I'm working on stitching together a midnight sun picture, where the sun is photographed every hour for 24 hours, so you get a 360 degree picture showing the sun's path through the sky. I'm using ...
Magnar Myrtveit's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to match colors on photographs stitched together?

I wish to create a high resolution picture of two paintings, each in three parts for printing in a book, each across two pages that each measure around 12.5"x10". One painting is a triptych of three ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Multi-Image Meshing: Image Stitching an Array

I've got a large 1 meter by 2 meter pattern printout for a garment. I'm not able to capture fine detail with a single shot, namely the sensor on my camera captures poor detail at distances past a ...
Trancot's user avatar
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