Linked Questions

49 votes
5 answers

What apertures are required to enable autofocus, including cross-type or high-precision focusing, on Canon DSLR cameras?

This is a follow-up to Why does Canon and Nikon limit or disable autofocus beyond certain f-numbers? I'm doing this to separate the AF aperture requirements from the linked question above. My goal ...
bwDraco's user avatar
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45 votes
3 answers

What is the "Rule of Thirds"?

Please can someone explain the "Rule of Thirds"? What is it? What does it tell me? Why is it important? What can I do with it?
AJ Finch's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What does "Tone" mean?

I hear "Tone", "Tonal scale/range" in the context of photography. What does it actually mean?
K'''s user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How does histogram shape affect the aesthetics of a picture?

For having more contrast in an image, it's good to have a wide range (i.e. difference between highest and lowest) of light intensities in a picture; and for keeping details, neither highlights nor ...
Imre's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How do I achieve smooth light falloff in portraits?

I'm having trouble getting a nice, smooth light falloff when shooting portraits. If you look at the left side of David Hobby's beautiful portrait, thats the effect I am trying to achieve. I have ...
reuscam's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are color and tones in this seascape fine?

Just about color and toning — is it right or could it be better? (In that case please specify Lightroom or Photoshop actions to perform.) I feel it is a bit too dark (it really seems like if there is ...
Paolo's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How to choose the correct exposure?

I have a Canon 60D that I use for my primary hobby that is photography, but sometimes the pictures that I took are with the incorrect exposure like this: So I want to know how I can choose the ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How can I give an ethereal appearance to a photo?

Using only photoshop filters, how can I give a paradisiac appearance to a photo? The type of photos to edit are mainly portraits of women, but the technique must also be applicable to landscape ...
Paolo Barbaglia's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why does EV increase as ISO increases?

From what I understand, the lower the EV value, the more exposed (bright) the image is. EV decreases as aperture decreases. More light gets in with lower apertures. EV decreases as shutter speed ...
Chuck C.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What causes outdoor photos to turn out bright white when taken with a digital camera?

I set my Canon Powershot A460 to automatic mode and took photographs outdoors. When I see the to-be-photographed area on the LCD, it appears normal; but when I take a picture, the photo turns out ...
Nav's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to get a vintage/dreamy look?

How to get a vintage/dreamy look like this photo? It has some yellow color cast and seems like extra blur added in post process?
erotsppa's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I get a portrait with sharp, sparkling, high-contrast eyes as in this example?

Can someone try to help me how to shoot and edit photos to have similar result as the fourth photo on this page? Is there some fast way how to do it or ...
martin.malek's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What lighting and pre- or post-processing is required for a high key image?

The definition of high key photographs is thoroughly answered by @mattdm. What I understood is that a light toned subject is the most important requirement to take a high key image. However, it seems ...
Vikas's user avatar
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2 answers

how to capture low key and high key images without using external flash?

I am using 50mm potrait lens with my canon 600D. Is there any way to capture low key or high key images without using external flash?
Mandar Patil's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I achieve this very bright and clear portrait look?

Extremely bright eyes and contrast. Not sure if this is photoshopped or achieved through lighting and lenses. I have even seen this sort of effect in live video.. any ideas on how to do this look?
CodeOverload's user avatar

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