I have had my Sony ICLA-68 for about a year now. I have always had problems with the images not coming out clear. I notice this when I am taking any kind of photo wither it be landscape, people, or light painting, the image I am seeing through the view finder or the LCD looks fine but after I take the photo the image becomes blurry and or soft. I notice it the most when I am taking macro shots. I use a tripod with a pluto trigger so I am not introducing any vibrations to the camera when the photo is being taken. Yet the images still come out bury.
For almost a year now I thought it was user error but recently I enabled the photo preview setting where it shows you the photo you took after you take it. I have noticed that the image I am seeing looks fantastic but then after about a second the image quality sharply degrades. As you can see in this video I took
I noticed that when the image degrades the SD card light turns off. At first I figured it was because I was saving to a standard quality jpeg so I switched over to using Raw images instead but I still have this problem where the quality is lacking compared to what I saw through the view finder.
I thought this might have something to do with me using a class 6 SD card so I tried using a better SD card thinking that it could be because I was not using a class 10 SD card. After I made the switch to a class 10 SD card I saw no difference.
I looked at this article and the accepted answer is because of vibrations being added to the photo when it has been taken which is not the case for me.
Am I doing something wrong?