I've read several informations here on Photo SE, as well as the wikipedia article on CA.
I understand that it is inevitable that some amount of chromatic aberration shows up for a particular lens, especially on the extreme cases: high contrast of colors/luminosity, etc.
But I'd like to know if there is any
technique one can do to -minimize- this when some photo opportunity arises;
eg: if i'm visiting some place and want a picture of a building, for example. i can't go "meh, too contrasty, results won't be good."
- Would stop down the aperture help? I haven't tested it, but according to the causes of CA, it could help (bigger DoF, more things in focus, less specific color in different focus).
- Other than that, nothing comes to mind..
I already got a prime lens for the extra oomph of image quality, but i want more :)
please no "buy better gear" of "fix it in post" answers..
Obviously, i can fix stuff in post, AND I DO. But i'd like to make the most of my gear, and spend maybe a bit more time taking a picture, and less on lightroom.