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How do I automatically relocate 10k Lightroom photos that only exist in "ghost folders?"

I have a large Lightroom catalog containing ~20k culled and edited photos. Each set of related photos (usually around 50-200 photos) exists in a parent folder, which I'll call the "event folder.&...
Skeleton Bow's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Tool for finding original RAW files to already organized jpeg files

Problem description Hi photography community, as a hobby photographer I organize quite a lot of photos for my family and friends. I have a lightroom library of around 90k photos that accumulated over ...
Philip Daubmeier's user avatar
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Stack photos on hard drive like Lightroom Classig does [duplicate]

Lightroom has following feature for files loaded into its work environment. Automatically stack photos by capture time Lightroom Classic can automatically stack photos in a folder or a collection ...
LilBro's user avatar
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2 answers

Lightroom: Change location of PSD files

Is it somehow possible to move PSDs into a separate folder or to a different location besides next to the original image? When I open an image from Lightroom into Photoshop and save that file, a .psd ...
skarpeta's user avatar
3 votes
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What's a good Lightroom Alternative that sorts images by dimensions and aspect ratios?

I'm a freelancer that just got a job editing images for video games that will later be used to post on the Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Marketplaces. I'm trying to maximize my efficiency, and one ...
Jeremy McCloud's user avatar
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Family Photos System Strategies

I'm sure folks here have a good approach to photo storage/processing and backup. I'm a dad with 4 kids and lots of family photos. I had my first digital camera in 1996 and have pictures stretching ...
bonhoffer's user avatar
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Converting old photos to JPEGs in Lightroom?

This is a question about photo management in Lightroom Classic - I pretty much know what I'd like to achieve, but I'm bit uneasy to experiment, knowing how flimsy and buggy LR can be. As such, I'm ...
yacoob's user avatar
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Deleting photos in Lightroom

I have taken a few months worth of photos, imported them into Lightroom so that all the photos of a given day are in a folder, and edited a small fraction of the photos. My drive is filling up, so I ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
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Why is my lightroom volume split into two entries?

I'm using Lightroom Classic 8.4.1, but this problem also appears in version 7. I'm on a Mac running the most-recent version of Mojave due to stability concerns with Catalina. My photo collection ...
Splincher's user avatar
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Move unpicked (not in a collection) files in Lightroom to backup drive

So I can easily create a smart collection of files that I didn't put into a collection, and that collection includes 90-95% of the photos in my catalog. I was wondering if I can leverage that ...
0pt1m1z3's user avatar
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How can I share and edit images in my library across multiple devices with Lightroom Classic CC 2019?

I'm pretty new to Lightroom Classic CC. I've used Lightroom CC for some time and this wasn't an issue, because the images were stored in the Creative Cloud. However for some reasons I've decided to ...
adamasan's user avatar
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How to handle RAW file storage across devices in Lightroom?

The Issue I'm trying to figure out if there is an established way of managing RAW files across devices when using Lightroom. I am aware of Lightroom's cloud sync, but unless I'm misunderstanding how ...
Will Appleby's user avatar
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How are image files and sidecar files associated?

I'm trying to understand how sidecar files are logically associated with their respective photo files. As far as I can tell, both Apple and Adobe save nondestructive editing information in XMP files, ...
EJ Mak's user avatar
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Processing on one drive and storing on another

My wife is an intermediate photographer that uses the latest Lightroom license package. The program is installed on our main hard drive. I have a new SSD for her to do her processing and a large ...
salisboss's user avatar
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Verifying the integrity of your library

After reorganizing my image collection I moved a bunch of photos between different hard drives. While copying, I did get error messages. Fortunately, I had made multiple copies before doing the ...
Pete's user avatar
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Lightroom 6 - suggestions on how organize pictures [closed]

I'm using Lightroom mostly to organize pictures. Mainly they are so divided into Lightroom (and so on disk): Root Folder 2014 Event01 Event02 2015 Event01 Event02 2016 Event01 (...) Until here ...
Simon's user avatar
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How did Lightroom automatically find location of files after moving to a different partition?

I moved my photos and Lightroom catalog files to a different partition on my hard drive and then opened Lightroom expecting to have point Lightroom to the new location of the image files and catalog. ...
moobot's user avatar
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How do I delete from the disk pictures I deleted in a folder in Lightroom CC?

I imported photos into a Lightroom CC folder and deleted a lot of them, but only from the catalogue not from the disk. Is there a way to delete them from the disk, too, or do I need to sync the ...
Bambou's user avatar
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Should I bother organising into file system folders in Lightroom or just use metadata?

A while back I was following this method for Lightroom It does advocate creating folders on ...
Andrew Welch's user avatar
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Bookmarking common places in Lightroom?

The Lightroom catalog shows my entire collection, as a tree of directories. If I move from one project to another, I have to navigate the tree. Then, I have to navigate back. Can I set some kind of ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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Is there any way in Lightroom to sort photos from multiple days based on time of the day?

I have a folder with holidays photos (7 days). I would like to make a collection witch would sort these photos based on time of the day, without considering the day. For example, all pictures taken ...
Jalil's user avatar
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How can I organise collections by date in Lightroom?

I often go walking with my camera and I like to collect the photos from each walk into a collection. I name the collection after the place I've walked, and it ultimately contains any photos I took, ...
Undistraction's user avatar
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Moving from Light Room to Capture One/Media Pro or alternative

I've used Lightroom (LR) for the past year and I love that tool. However, I've recently looked into alternatives and the output of Capture One (CO) looks better than LR, at least for me. I wanted to ...
unsignedzero's user avatar
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How do you keep organized in LR?

I recently switched from Aperture to LR. I want to know what is the best way to get organized. How do you keep your file structure? I read online that some are using YYYYMMDD-Title as folders. Also, ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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Lightroom: Folder display doesn't match filesystem

I recently imported my iPhoto library into Lightroom using Lightroom's import facility. The result of that was a neatly arranged filesystem, like thus: ...
amo's user avatar
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Can I copy a Lightroom catalog between computers?

I have a NAS drive where I keep all my photos, and I have just cataloged this using an instance of Lightroom which is on my laptop - 15,000 photos or so. Now I want to use Lightroom on my Surface ...
chris's user avatar
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Can I import photos into Lightroom from Microsoft OneDrive without downloading them directly to my HDD?

I have all my images in OneDrive. I want to import them into Lightroom 5 and create smart previews. How do I do this without downloading all the images directly to my HDD? Can Lightroom reference ...
Rahul Thakur's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Lightroom mobile to Sync only starred/picked photos in collections?

I was wondering if there's a way/plug-in to sync only photos in collections based on metadata such as flagging and/or ratings? For instance, if I have a collection of 500 images, but only 50 are rated ...
Paul Leavitt's user avatar
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"Getting Started with Lightroom Mobile" popup disappears before I can click on it!

I don't know what it's called, but it's the window at the upper left of the LR window that comes up when you click on "getting started with lightroom mobile" or if you've already signed in, &...
Paul Leavitt's user avatar
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Aperture like event view in Lightroom 5

I just purchased Lightroom 5, and am making the switch from Aperture, which I've been using for the last two years, and has all of my 40,000+ images from that time frame. While I didn't realize that ...
Paul Leavitt's user avatar
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Lightroom publish to Facebook: managing existing photos

Is there any way to synchronize existing photos in a given album of a Facebook page with Lightroom's Facebook Publish services? I can add the developed photos to the Publish collection, but I have no ...
acseven's user avatar
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6 answers

How can I automatically organize files on disk based on date or other metadata inside Lightroom?

I've been tidying up my external hard drives, which involved merging several Lightroom libraries as well as importing a bunch of stuff that I haven't properly catalogued before. Unfortunately things ...
SimonL's user avatar
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How to view a thumbnail for each lightroom folder in a catalog?

I'm trying to convert from Aperture to Lightroom. The first thing that does not make sense to me is how do you get an overview of your entire library (called catalog in lightroom)? In aperture, this ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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Is there a way to get Lightroom to extract only part of the folder name on export?

I have the photos for the newspaper I'm working at stored in folders named like "YY-MM-DD_name-of-article". I have a folder for each article. Now, in our editorial system, they want them named like "...
Lord vor Edocsil's user avatar
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How do I move a photo in Lightroom after it's been added but not copied?

Normally when adding photos to Lightroom, I "Copy as DNG" from my camera's SD card to my external hard drive. Recently someone gave me a DVD containing over a thousand images in JPG format, which I ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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5 answers

Can Lightroom facilitate the consolidation of 2 external drives to a third?

I have two large external drives with about 2.5 TB of data. About half the storage is images and videos that I want to put on a new NAS drive/device. I don’t want to carry over junk, duplicates and ...
kacalapy's user avatar
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Lightroom synchronize finding all photos as new photos

I'm using Dropbox to store all my photos and use Lightroom to categorize and post process my photos. Now Dropbox apparently renamed my Dropbox folder from "Dropbox" to "Dropbox ()" recently. It also ...
Dennis G.'s user avatar
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How do I restore Lightroom photo metadata from a backup?

Yesterday I ran a bunch of my photos through exiftool in order to change their lens information. (I shoot some lenses on adapters and so the lens names and focal lengths have to be set manually.) ...
bdesham's user avatar
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Multiple instances or windows of Lightroom opened for photo reorganization

I am new to lightroom (Mac) and had been trying to migrate from using acdsee pro inside of a virtual windows machine. The workflow I am tying to achieve used to involve opening two acdsee browser/...
Pierre's user avatar
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Will lightroom sync offline library changes when external drive reconnects?

I want to organize all my photos, so I copied all my folder from all my drives to a single 4TB external drive, and now I want to organize everything and remove duplicates. What’s the best way to do ...
kacalapy's user avatar
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Best way to move photos to another drive (Lightroom)?

My wife uses Lightroom for her Photography business. Her main drive is filling up and I installed another drive into our Mac Pro to be used as an archive. She has groups of files (Weddings, since ...
Brian David Berman's user avatar
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How best to manage multiple virtual copies of an image in Lightroom?

in the process of improving a photo, I often end up with lots of virtual copies (eg. I apply some basic adjustments, then create 3 copies to experiment with, then choose one of these and create a few ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How to create Lightroom 4 import customization using filename and path?

I want my photos to be stored like this YYYY/YYYY-MM-DD_Name_of_shooting/YYYY-MM-DD_Name_of_shooting_001.nef (The date is the date of shooting) Is it possible ...
Petr Újezdský's user avatar
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Batch move photos to other folder in Lightroom 3

Currently I have my photos organised in Events in Lightroom 3. It also uses a folder structure that looks like this: Year/dd-mm/Eventname-##.jpg I figured that it would be easier for me to find a ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Renaming Photos in Sequential Alphabetical order

Before I start writing an AppleScript to do this I was wondering if anyone knew of any way to rename photos in Sequential Alphabetical Order. Let me give you an example. For one of the papers I do ...
Rob Quincey's user avatar
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Is there a way to have Lightroom include the cropped aspect ratio in the filename when the file is exported?

I am exporting my files to be printed by an outside service and I know before hand when working in the develop module what size I want the print to be. So I set the crop aspect ratio to be what I ...
Joe Solano's user avatar
3 votes
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Best way to Re-Organize my photos in Lightroom

I started using Lightroom years ago on Version 1 or 2, and back then, I told it to import my photos into a folder, and put the photos into a folder for each day (for example 2006-01-07, etc.). It ...
TiernanO's user avatar
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How can I select only all edited photos from a catalog for export from Lightroom 3?

In Lightroom 3, how do I select only edited photos from a catalog for export, without choosing individually? For example: I import 500 photos from a shoot and I go through and edit 286 photos. Now I ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can I import pictures into Lightroom and retain my existing folder structure?

I already have 30k pictures ordered in the following format: YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD. I would like to continue this format instead of going through and renaming all my folders (besides, I like this layout)....
Benny's user avatar
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4 answers

Lightroom Import alternative?

Just returned from a vacation and processed my pics. Then realized what I really use Lightroom for and it's mainly the advanced import function to be able to rename files into my preferred hierarchy: ...
Sabowtage13's user avatar