I looked everywhere, I cant figure this out.
In this step of the process, I'm working with restoring and archiving old-film prints (with negs lost/scratched), and final process some neg/slides, all 35mm
. Were talking about digitizing, adding corrections, then either reprinting, or keeping digital. Post process consists of alpha layer dust cleaning, separating the images from the plate scan, any final cropping/color correction, etc.., and final print or whatever.
I want to take these scans, which are now a multi-image plate(scan bed of four 4x6 film prints in this case, also negs/slides), in .tiff
format, and separate them into their constituent parts(crop's).
I know there is a million ways, I'm concerned with this particular way.The ideal process i'm aiming for is i noticed that it seems easier to actually crop them using the select tool, then layer via copy. But I'm fully open.
First step, crop using layers:
- enable select tool
- put square around image 1 on the plate
- right click this area, and select layer via copy (viola, its alone)
- on that new layer , select image, trim
- click back on bg layer.
Rinse and repeat for all separate images on plate.
Is this the best way?
Now i can create/run an action on this right?
Second step: Extract to individual, creating then using an action/script (need help/ideas here)
Tiff now has layers 1-4(one layer per image on the plate, already trimmed), and a background layer.
- select layer 1
- save as, tiff, discarding layers
- close and not save new image, moves back to original image tab automatically
- rinse and repeat for all 4
- close original file and don't save.
Leaving me with this as the entire flow (for this portion, from top to bottom).
- Open some multi-scan tiff's that need processing
- Set up their layers on each file
- Automate, batch, select the action, then maybe use the save as feature there, or just run the action (on all
opened files
)(need help/ideas here)
One Trouble is, when i run the action, the save as step is overwriting the individual saves, however there's got to be an easier way to separate the tiffs than the save-as step in my initial action. I just am not that good at running batch actions, and overriding, or maybe there's existing ways for this already.
Any suggestions on the ideal, maybe layer via cut
instead of layer via copy
, some url I can briefly research and refine my question, some layer duplicate
auto trim
magic or something, I'm open.
I can tell you one thing, the real difficulty here is in finding articles that point to taking a TIFF, and making 4 TIFF'S out of it lossless, most are making 4 PNG's out of a tiff, or 4 tiffs out of a PSD, or some crap like that.
Please help. !!