Linked Questions

4 votes
4 answers

Why do photographed objects in the distance appear smaller than they do by naked eye?

Why do objects in photos appear smaller than they do when viewed by the naked eye? For example, a mountain would appear far smaller in a photo than in real life. Does it have to do with the field of ...
WindowsMaker's user avatar
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Can a telephoto lens have a wide field of view?

85mm-135mm lenses are great for portraits because of compression perspective distortion, meaning they flatten facial features. However at those focal lengths, you have to step back a few meters from ...
William C's user avatar
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Why does my forehead look big in pictures vs. reality? [closed]

My forehead in reality is small—normal. Everyone I ask tells me it is normal, not big. In photos it seems too big—not even normal. I am a man. My hairstyle doesn't hide the forehead, it is up. Why in ...
k.l's user avatar
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relationship between focal length, perspective projection and camera distance

This page here describes that the focal length does not result in perspective distortion, while this page here describes if you increase the focal length and camera distance to infinity then it ...
juztcode's user avatar
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Is there a difference between increasing focal length vs. cropping? [duplicate]

Other than the difference in the quality of the image (increased focal length will produce more quality than the equivalent cropping of the image), is there a difference? For example, if I increase ...
Fuad's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do you need to change your position rather than just focal length to affect perspective?

Why must you change your distance from an object to change your perspective of it? Why is it not sufficient to change the focal length of your lens (the zoom level) to change your perspective?
kishan's user avatar
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What kind of lens do I need to get more of the scene into the frame?

I apologize for my lack of photography terminology. I am a beginner who enjoys taking pictures of my infant, and I would like to improve greatly. With the winter here and doing all my pictures ...
Jeoha's user avatar
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When do straight lines become curved when talking about projection?

This in not a question directly pertaining to photography, but the theory of projection in general. Imagine that I'm drawing my surroundings, say, in a city with straight lines everywhere. I start ...
Espen Sales's user avatar
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What's the succinct reason for face-warping in wide angle lenses?

Is there an accurate way of explaining face-warping when using wide angle lenses? I realised I can't actually explain it without diagrams, so a succinct definition (no more than a few lines) would be ...
James's user avatar
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What kind of lens can make a dog look wider and bigger?

I have seen people make videos and pictures where their dog looks a lot wider and bigger in the video/pic than in person. What kind of camera lens are they using?
Mr.T's user avatar
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Does aperture effect the "depth" of faces in a portrait? Wide aperture make noses look shorter, wrinkles less pronounced?

Having a debate with myself that F/10 makes my portraits look better by making faces have less "depth." What I mean is I feel like wider apertures such as f/4 make my nose look longer and wrinkles ...
Hunter Leachman's user avatar
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Will stepping back and using an FX lens on a DX body get the same "look" as the same lens on an FX body?

Using 85mm as an example, how can I get the same "85mm look" (shot on a FX camera with an 85mm FX lens) on a DX camera with the same 85mm FX lens?? I know a 58mm FX lens (87mm DX equiv), shot from ...
user53736's user avatar
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How is the continuous (optical) zoom feature realised in the new iPhone 7 using two lenses

The new iPhone 7 Plus has a dual camera system with one 28mm and one 56mm. Usually in smartphones where the camera is compact, you do not have real optical zoom. So how is the zoom feature, which ...
StefanH's user avatar
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What does different focal length offer me?

I have a beginner photographer and I have spent a lot of time learning the basics (exposures, lenses, focal lengths, crop factor etc). It's all good except I'm not so sure when I need to buy lenses of ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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Is the relationship between object distance and magnification highly dependent on the camera used?

I'm using a cell phone to capture an image of two objects (O1 and O2) on a flat plane and my camera is level with respect to this plane (the phone and the plane are both parallel). One of these ...
SKB's user avatar
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