I'm new to Lightroom (CC) so please forgive me if I'm just not looking in the right place. Additionally I thought I had a full backup (via Crashplan) of my Photos folder before doing the following. I was wrong.
When I originally moved photos from Photos to Lightroom I thought everything was great. Then awhile later I realized that Lightroom didn't import the MOV file from Apple's live photos. Well, needless to say, I want those files. So I had to go to my trash can and recover as many of those as I can.
So now I have the JPEGs properly in their place (on an external drive) and managed by lightroom and a folder sitting on the side (on an external drive) with a bunch of MOV files (most of which are the video from a live photo). I read somewhere that if I had selected "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" then Lightroom would import both files and they'd live happily ever after.
So the genius that I am, I thought, if I check that box, and then try to just straight import these MOV files it will just place them in the right folders for me and I'll see them in lightroom.
I let it run for a minute and then I check the file in Finder. There was no JPEG sitting next to the MOV file. I quickly check another one or two, verifying that yes, they are live photos (2 seconds long and I remember taking the photo). No JPEG file. So I stop the import.
Now, I see no hint of where Lightroom put those JPEG files. But I have 81 MOV files imported and no images next to them. I'd love to undo this but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. The JPEGs are not showing up in the Trash.
I'm comfortable with the Terminal. Please tell me there is something I can do to recover these JPEGs. Otherwise, I'll have to go to Google Photos and see if it created a (lower res) version of it. At least it would be something.