I have a ring flash from sometimes between '70s and '90s, it is a Euro Blitz V60 PK (PC sync, no hot shoe).
The diameter of the thread is 52 mm and I could use it with my Nikon 35 mm F1.8 DX, but not with my Sigma 17-50 mm F2.8 DX (77 mm filter diameter).
Is there a way to adapt it? I can also consider DIY if I find good projects (like off-axis with simple light guides).
I am aware of the different trigger voltages and I will be careful not to fry my dSLR.
Edit 2
Well the internal circuit blew up due to leaks from capacitors and the usual white spongy deposit everywhere. Still, the question stays valid.
About the question: apart from a stepping down adapter, is there a way to expand the radius of the ring, by using something like http://photo-tips-online.com/review/ray-flash-ring-flash-adapter/gallery.php?id=ray-flash-ring-flash-adapter-full but from small ring to bigger ring, instead of from popup flash to ring flash (as in the link)?