The AEB range on a 6D is -3 to +3 EV. I normally set up my my AEB to take 3 shots at -2,0,+2 or -2.5,0,+2.5. I used the results for exposure "safety", to create an HDR if candidate scene is suitable, or creative work with over and under exposed frames.
I sometimes use a cable release and a timer for long exposures and I noticed that when I use 5 - 7 exposures created in this way and these have more less increment amount of exposure time to create an HDR the result is better and easier to work with.
Can I set up my 6D to take 5 or more auto bracketed exposures at say -3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3 EV?
Note: I am too afraid to install magic lantern on my 6D but am willing to experiment with it on my 60D if this is something that's possible.