WB is obviously important for JPGs and I'm not referring to JPGs here.
I do know this question is related to two others. Sorry, I'm a newbie here and I don't know how to refer to them, but @Craig Walker posted an interesting question similar to this and I don't feel it has been adequately answered.
RAW formats do carry information about the WB setting used but, since most of our programs are far more accurate than the camera, why do we / should we worry about getting the WB 100% right on camera? I'm not saying "just shoot". I'm saying "don't spend studio time trying to match Kelvins when light conditions are changing and the camera might be off".
In a recent session my D7000 insisted on weird setting even when I used a decent gray card to get my WB. LR said 2800K was about right but I decided the model looked better either in 3200K or 3400K.
At times I believe we keep a "film mentality" (I did shoot a lot of film) whereas we should forget most of what we have learned, deal with cameras as an input device for our computers, learn and enhance current digital workflows and reinstate our assumptions.
I don't see any technical problems with what I'm saying, but the more I learn, the less I know for sure. I'd appreciate to hear other's opinions on this matter.