I am an beginner photographer and I was "hired" to cover a company final year party. The idea is take group shots or portraits and print "on the fly" the pictures, then the guests can see and take the shots during the event.
My equipment
- Nikon D3200
- Lens 24-70mm f/2.8 - FX AF-S G ED NIKKO
- Lens: 18-55mm
- Lens: 55-200mm
- Flash: SB-900
The environment
As we can see on the picture the room is pretty long and have a high ceiling. I've seen that portrait photograph or groups pictures looks much better when the flash is position to the ceiling, but in this case I do not have this option. However the skeletons and dinosaurs can help me to create some cool compositions.
Because I will not post process the images, the quality have to be enough to print in a normal size 10x15.
Question What will be the best setup and position for the flash?