There's a Set Picture Control menu item on my Nikon that lets me choose between standard, neutral, vivid, etc. and I can also tweek each one.
I got interested in this because of videography: I've read a lot that you should shoot with a flat picture style and then grade in post.
- How does this picture style work? I've read here that when shooting raw it doesn't affect you photos. So if I shoot raw I can choose what ever style I want and I can still get the same results after post? But if I would shoot jpeg (which I don't) it would matter - the compressor will choose for me, based on the picture style, the contrast and other things and it will be more difficult for me to e.g. get the details in the shadows out. Am I correct?
- How does changing picture style affect the workflow? If I shoot raw and import my photos into an editor (e.g. Lightroom), will it make a difference, what style I chose? And sometimes I just open raw photos with a picture viewer (IrfanView) —- will it see a difference?
- Why not shoot with vivid? If it's true that you can do to a raw photo whatever you want, no matter what style you chose, then why not shoot with vivid, since if somehow you hand the raws to an amater, he'll get contrasty images that he is used to from his pocket camera.
- Do presets have hidden data? Canons have Cinestyle and Nikons now have TassinFlat. Is using a preset the same as setting the correct parameters in the camera (on my D7000 I have sharpening, contrast, brightness, saturation and hue) or do they have a trick up their sleeve?