I was used to the ageratum effect with film cameras: as the red pigment on film is much more sensitive to IR than the humman eye, some flowers (such as the ageratum) appear pink in a photograph while we perceive them as purple in nature.
Gone digital, I though that this kind of problem was over... however, I have shot some violas and vincas (in outdoor natural light with a Contax T* 60mm makroplanar on my Olympus E630) and the flowers are much more blue than I see them (they looked purple).
This is not a problem of white balance since the surrounding grass has its natural color.
Has anyone also observed this effect?
Is this a problem of the Olympus sensor or a more general effect in digital life?
What workarounds might I use — filters, post-processing, ...?
Here is an "as shot" image:
and a corrected one (as suggested in the comments I have corrected the flower color disregarding the effect on the grass which really looks as shown in the first picture):