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Andrew Beals
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
Astro-Photography with Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope and Canon EOS?
Further expansion of what's essentially a "LMGTFY" answer to "ask lazyweb" style question as requested by first comment on my answer.
Will a dSLR and compact camera produce the same bokeh output at f/2.0?
Now, if you're going to demand the exact same coverage as a standard 135 film chip, you're going to need a sensor that has the 3:2 aspect ratio, either a full-frame or an APS-C, otherwise you're cropping and "changing the depth of field" as you perform some sort of zoom operation (lens, crop, or bipedal) in order to maintain the exact same photo.
Will a dSLR and compact camera produce the same bokeh output at f/2.0?
@mattdm I'm speaking of 35mm equivalent and in the Leica/Epson case, the focal distance (50mm) is exactly the same. You either have a sensor (which is smaller than a standard 24x36mm frame) or you have an actual piece of film. DOF is the same, you just get a cropped photo from the smaller sensor. I understand what DOFmaster is trying to sell and how they're borking the numbers.
Will a dSLR and compact camera produce the same bokeh output at f/2.0?
If you're going to demand the exact same photo and then compare numbers, that's another thing entirely. When you're speaking of the bokeh, you have objects in focus, and the rest of the frame really only matters in that it frames the in-focus items nicely.
Will a dSLR and compact camera produce the same bokeh output at f/2.0?
Ah @rapscalli, but when you go for the same field of view you have changed the focal length used, so of course you're changing DOF.