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3 answers

How are the red focus point indicators displayed on a DSLR's focusing screen?

The question Why do the focus points leds in my viewfinder appear shadowed? raises another question for me. How are these indicator lights implemented in typical DSLRs? Are they actually small LEDs ...
mattdm's user avatar
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Why is the focus indicator light always on in single point focus mode on my D7000?

I switched my settings on my Nikon D7100 to single point focus but now as soon as I turn my camera on, I have a square focus icon in my viewfinder, not just when I press on back button focus. This can'...
Aneda Smith's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do you even see the focus area rectangle when in dark?

I was reading the manual for my camera and well they have a rectangular kind of area that they show in viewfinder and those little squares as focus point and how to change those focus points. But the ...
Brandon's user avatar
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