Linked Questions

5 votes
3 answers

Keeping mirrorless camera sensors clean; tips? [duplicate]

I have a Sony A7S II which I adore; but—like every other camera—it too has its disadvantages. For me, one of those disadvantages is the sensor which is exposed when you switch lenses. And a simple "...
onimoni's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Remove spot on sensor Olympus OM-D E-M10 [duplicate]

I've got a visible spot on the sensor of my OM-D E-M10 (Mark I). I think it's a tiny splatter. Can I clean it with a cotton swab and some alcohol for example? I assume there is a piece of glass in ...
wout's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What covers a sensor, and what can we clean it with? [duplicate]

What can we clean camera sensors with? Generally googling returns 'ethanol'. Various people use ethanol for the job. What else can we use? Isopropyl alcohol, perhaps, eye glasses cleaner? The ...
user577111's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I have made the lens dirtier than before cleaning it. How can I recover from this? [duplicate]

After some testing, I determined that there was some dirt on my 18-50mm lens. Here is the photo of a white wall with my 18-55mm: You can see the settings of above photo here: Here is the same wall ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What causes these (constant) black stray lines on my photos? [duplicate]

There are black lines on my Nikon D3100 and I'm wondering if it is a problem with the lens or with the body itself.
AlfrancisTV's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Small spots on EOS m50 sensor [duplicate]

I had open my lens of Canon EOS m50 while I am on a ferry to a local island near by. Once I reach home I saw few spots on sensor which doesn't look like dust. I used swabs and cleaned the sensor it ...
Sarath S Prasad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Removing sticky particle from sensor [duplicate]

I have two particles on the sensor of my Sony a6000. Both are round and about 0.3 mm in diameter. The spots are only noticeable in bright areas and are easy to remove with Capture One's spot removal ...
Wottensprels's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What causes this kind of sensor spots, and how do I clean it? [duplicate]

I get this spot in my images, on Sony A7III shot data: 0,8" second, F/36, ISO3200. Focused at closest point. Full Frame: Frame crop: As seen here, the spot is caused by dirt on the sensor: I ...
Lisan's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

There is dirt in my sensor [duplicate]

I just cleaned my sensor with a cloth and when i test the dirt, I saw different dark spots on the image. What should i do? I've tried blowing with blower, but it didn't help.
Manish's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

How does automatic sensor cleaning work?

My Canon 5D MKIII DSLR often does sensor cleaning when powered off and occasionally I'll go through the menu and specifically run a sensor clean when I've been shooting in unusually hazardous ...
NULLZ's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Why do photos with different settings produce different spots? [duplicate]

I have an issue with my Nikon D3500 camera which I do not understand. I can show it best using two photos I took with different settings. The lens I use is a kit lens which ranges from 18 to 105 mm. ...
Steven Underhill's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Should I clean my camera sensor, or take it to a professional?

Possible Duplicate: Best way to clean the sensor on a digital SLR? Can anyone offer me advice on how to clean my camera's sensor? Should I do this myself, or take the camera to a professional? ...
Mohamad's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Why are these black dots / spots appearing in my pictures?

I took some shots recently and I noticed that I'm getting a lot of little black dots in my images. I cleaned my lens thoroughly with the Nikon camelhair brush and retook the pictures but once again, ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Diagonal line across most images [duplicate]

Can anyone point me to what might be at the root of this diagonal line appearing on each photo. It does not appear to be a crack, but am curious to see if any of you had come across a similar issue ...
emmivolpe's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is this dust on lens or something else?

In my question's preview, the attached image looks rotated. So, assuming you are able to see it in the real orientation, can anyone determine what is that dust flake type thing on the top, slightly ...
Vijendra Parashar's user avatar

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