I am looking for a photo management solution that I can use on both my Mac Mini and Mac Book Air. As with everybody I have a stack of photos, certainly more than is feasible to store on my MBAs 128GB SSD. So I store them on the Mac Mini (I have a server model with two drives). Currently they are in Lightroom 5 (imported from Aperture)
But in doing this, I can not access photos from the MBA (when I'm sitting on the couch etc)
With Lightroom's insistence on the catalogue being local, I would need to store the photos on a NAS and sync the catalogue file between the two machines - does anyone do this? Is it practical? How do you ensure the catalogues are synced properly? How does Lightroom behave of the NAS is not available?
But are there any other solutions? Other management applications?
Ideally I would like to:
Access the photo library from any of my systems (if I'm remote I would use a VPN to be on the same LAN)
Import on either the Mac Mini or MBA
No local storage of photos (only data like previews)
Ability to make changes to images (most likely just labelling/tagging images)