I bought a Vivitar 75-205mm zoom macro lens for Minolta MD yesterday without paying much attention to the seller's details:
I bought it as a gift to someone important for me. She only has a 35mm lens, and once told me she would like to have the ability to have some flexibility in terms of distances, so what I was looking for was a lens with variable focal length like the Nikon 55-200mm I have for my D3200 DSLR.
The thing is that when I tried it at home, once mounted in the camera, I couldn't change the zoom. I got very angry with myself on realizing how little I know about the world of lenses.
My question is, why does this lens have 75-205mm printed on it if it doesn't zoom? Also, why does it 3.8-4.8 if you can't 'swipe' through it?