
I am wanting to take self portraits using my Nikon D3200 and was wondering is there a way I can stream the live view through a laptop, tablet or some other screen?

I want to have the screen facing me so I can see what the picture will look like before I capture it so it's not a case of clicking and hoping.

I have an AV out (from camera) to USB lead and also an AV out (from camera) to the yellow and white lead

Hope that makes sense



2 Answers 2


Assuming you are on Windows you could try out DigiCamControl (I'm not affiliated). They list the Nikon D3200 as partially supported. Live view works, however, you can't use manual focus in live view and can't set the focus area.


I believe Sofortblid would work with your camera and provide the features you need if you are on mac. (Other answer is windows only.)



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