I only have one lens right now. It's the Canon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS kit lens. I think this lens is great when the lighting conditions are right but in low light I usually have to resort to flash.
For instance I was taking pictures of people in front of a christmas tree, without flash the tree looked great but since the tree was the light source (and behind the people), the peoples faces were too dark. I had to use flash, which made the tree look not near as good, but you could see the peoples faces better.
I am wondering how I can take better low light pictures like this, especially portraits with the subject in focus and the background blurred with nice bokeh.
I think this means I need a lower aperture. I was looking at these two:
I would rather buy the cheaper 1.8, but only if it's going to give me something much better than what my current lens can do.
Should I fork over the money and get the more expensive one, or am I looking at completely the wrong lenses for what I want?