In the last two shoots I've taken I have noticed much more noise in the resulting photos. In the first instance, I put this down to my fault, as I was shooting at high ISO levels, but in the second case I overcompensated and went to a very low ISO level.
Now, this could be a software thing — I've only just started using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, having been using Gimp for several years — but that doesn't sound likely. I've tried the noise reduction tool in LR but could not get a satisfactory result.
Equally unlikely, to me at least, is that the CF card has changed. I was running low on space during my days out with the camera and so changed my 1GB CF to a 4GB number. Could this be the culprit?
My camera is an EOS 30D and the lens in both cases was a Sigma 18-125mm 3.5-5.6
What could be causing this to suddenly start happening? Is there anything I can do to rescue the photos?
It might not be noise I'm seeing but something else. The background is certainly speckled which I've always assumed was noise but more worryingly is the loss of detail I'm seeing in certain areas — it's as if a low quality JPEG has been rendered from the image. The same region, when viewed in the camera's LCD, has plenty of detail in place.
The image is in RAW format and the lower ISO mentioned above was compensated for by using a flash.
A quick update: a colleague opened this image on their computer just fine - there was no noise and now blocks of colour. So this seems a software config issue. I have the latest codecs installed so I'm at a loss why I am not seeing a faithful reproduction of the image the camera captured.