I'll share what I use, but perhaps it won't suit your objectives.
I don't wear any strap around my neck or attach any strap to my tripod socket. I use a long and thick strap (as opposed to the original one, which is often very short and thin) attached to the sides of the body (like a neck strap), and I wrap the strap around my forearm (until strap doesn't feel loose). This advice was given to me by a retired professional who assured me this was the safest technique for the camera and least damaging to my health.
Neck straps are bad because they put strain on your neck. If you have a heavy camera and/or heavy lenses, the weight starts to add up, especially when you hold your camera for several hours in a row. FYI, I have a D7000, that's already bulky compared to the "light" D3200, and my most often used lens is a 50-135mm at 2.8 constant, which is a pretty big lens to carry around. With your D3200+kit this might not be an issue for now, but if you get more involved in photography, trust me, you'll get bulkier gear.
And how is this safer for your camera you may ask ? Well, first of all, it's pretty easy to steal your camera if someone manages to pull it off your neck or cut the strap discreetly. If it's stuck to your hand with the strap like I suggest, there's no risk of it going anywhere. Secondly, if you have a long neck strap, your camera may be at risk if you drop it from your hands, it will fall at about waist level, which could hit a table for example, or if you were moving, fly against something. If my camera drops -I often try to drop it just to make sure of how well it is attached- it barely drops 10cm at the most, it's like it's almost glued to my wrist.
A final advantage might be the freedom of movement you have. If I'm wearing a short strap around my neck, my camera can't extend the length of my arm. So if I'm at a concert trying to do an "aerial" shot, high up, then I have to remove the strap making it easy to drop it or get it stolen. If the camera is attached to my wrist, my arm can stretch and reach high up without being in danger of falling or getting stolen.