Assume I, a photography amateur, took a really sensationalist picture (or small video) for which exists really high demand immediately. Assume virtuall all media companies are really eager to buy my footage to broadcast it in today's evening news. The footage could contain a spectacular event, or something interesting happening to a celebrity.
It is probable that the picture will be printed many times in the future.
What should I do if this were to happen? Pressure to act quickly would be tremendous.
It's probably suboptimal to go for a first-come first serve basis. On the other hand, it is probably infeasible to wait too long a time,
How can I get a lasting revenue stream? Should I sell it to a company? Which one? Do they offer a share-of-revenue payment model at all?
Should I go for a lump-sum payment? What would a professional photographer do in such a situation?
This scenario is fictitious, but I have asked this myself a few times in the past watching a certain type of news.