I am looking for a polarization filter for a couple of my lenses. I have heard great things about Nikon CP filters and I am using Nikon NC filters myself on some of my most precious lenses.
However, I recently heard about Hoya HD CP filters. I don't really care about how sturdy these are since I take great care of my equipment. Nonetheless, these Hoya filters are cheaper (about 1/3th cheaper) and allow more light to pass (I never use a polarization filter as a substitute for a grad filter). The downside is that I've heard that the Nikon CP are easier to handle and that the Hoya have a tendency to get stuck.
Sadly enough, searching DPReview, Sack Exchange and searching Google did not provide me with a satisfactory comparison (the Nikon CP is rarely discussed and the Hoya HD CP is quite new). Does anyone have any experience with either CP filter and can anyone recommend which brand I should choose (and why)?