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Telescopic view [duplicate]

How do they make the sun or moon appear so big in backgrounds of some images?
White Knight_wk's user avatar
4 votes
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How do you get moon zoomed over foreground? [duplicate]

How does one get a picture similar to the one below with a crop sensor DSLR and using kit lens or 70-300mm lens without post-processing?
Sourav's user avatar
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What settings should I be using to shoot "Supermoon"?

This weekend is a "Supermoon" (the largest full moon of the year, in perigee, the closest to Earth). Would someone please advise how I could make the most out of my Canon PowerShot to photograph this ...
Lena Borisova's user avatar
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What is the best way to avoid moon and light glare in night exposures without using photo editing software

I took this photo yesterday and although I love it, I wish It didn't have as much glare from the moon or the city lights. I know I could go into lightroom and photoshop and crop a new moon in, but I ...
dassouki's user avatar
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What focal length lens do I need for photographing the moon?

I would like to know whether it is possible to photograph moon without any flaws with a canon EOS 550d.. Also to get an image of the moon as close as the following image, what kind of equipment(lens,...
vivek_jonam's user avatar
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