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2 answers

How to programme EOS utility to take n number of shots?

I just installed the EOS utility program and wanted to know if it's possible to tell the program to take let's say 10 or 15 or 40 shots in a row, well you get the idea.
Giancarlo's user avatar
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Why am I having trouble getting sharp results with my new DSLR, compared to a point and shoot?

I'm having issues with my new Nikon D3200. I am new at photography, but I've previously used my parents camera (a Canon) for my brother's senior photos, and those were crystal clear. I've got this ...
user26074's user avatar
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How do I keep the horizon straight when taking a photo (without a tripod)?

I use a DSLR and I very often find that when I shoot without a tripod, and with my eye to the viewfinder (as opposed to using LiveView), my photos end up slightly crooked: lines that should be ...
Mark Whitaker's user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

What are the best resources to learn techniques for using a Nikon D90?

I am a beginner in photography and especially for a Nikon D90. Can you please point me to some resources about getting started with Nikon D90 (did some googling and found some resources, but none of ...
Teja Kantamneni's user avatar