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How to back-up photos on 2 external hard drives and retain photo creation date?

As shown in the set-up diagram below, I would like to offload photos from an external hard drive A to external hard drive B so that if one fails, they're not all lost, since all moved photos aren't ...
user610620's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Photoshop Organizer with Amazon Prime Photos

I’ve read Amazon’s Prime Photo service advertised as an unlimited photo storage service. They allow you to save RAW files, which addresses the shortfall of many other online storage services. Has ...
AnthonySCaldera's user avatar
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5 answers

How to format a 4TB hard disk for photography files?

I just bought a new 4 TB hard disk for my photographies and I would like to prepare it to copy all my photos there. This hard disk will ONLY consist of photo file (CanonRAW *.cr2; >20MB each file) (...
Ralf Wickum's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

How to store photos for long term locally?

TL;DR: I am amateur photographer and looking for advice on storing my photographs locally (not on cloud/online) for long-term. Background I started clicking photos in .JPG initially but realized it's ...
Dexter's user avatar
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Do you keep all of your photos? [duplicate]

Even though I do a quick edit in camera to remove unwanted shots as I shoot, I still end up with a huge number of shots. I keep and back up in the cloud the ones I am working on for a project and ...
Alex Pretz's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?

I have a recently bought a NAS and am in the process of transferring my photo collection onto it. I probably have over 300GB of pictures (many in various RAW formats). At the moment these are just ...
Colin's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

Suggestions for shared cross-platform photo management?

I have a Mac, my wife has a Win7 machine. Currently I take all of our photos and put them into iPhoto. There's about 35K images in there now. The problem is that they are all accessible only from my ...
Peter Loron's user avatar